Never Walking Away

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Teri woke up beside her fiancé, after the rehearsal dinner the night before, they sent their kids to be with their tv kids for the night and when the couple got home, they couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other. In their eyes, it was the best week of their life.

A week before that day, they adopted their shared baby boy and that day, they were getting married.

Sherri stirred a few minutes after Teri awoke and turned towards the woman and said, "Good morning baby."

Teri kissed her head and said, "Good morning my love."

Sherri pulled the blanket up a little more as Teri pulled her love closer, "We'll be officially married by this time tonight." Sherri said.

"Thank you for being so patient with me when it came to that," Teri said softly.

"You were patient with me through my divorce with Kamar," Sherri said. "All those times I would come into your old house and vent my anger and how we'd end up just cuddling on the middle of your kitchen floor."

"I remember the first time we did that and we weren't even together yet," Teri said. "You just needed an ear to listen to you and I couldn't stand the sight of you crying. I remember lying on the kitchen floor just holding you while you cried."

"I think that was the moment I knew that I was in love with you." Sherri said.

"Really?" Teri asked beginning to play with one of Sherri's curls.

"You took such good care of me and the twins during that time and you didn't have to." Sherri said.

"I remember lying on the floor thinking that if you were to have liked me the same way I did you, that I would be living in some dream." Teri said.

"That's how I felt when I kissed you the first time." Sherri said.

"I remember that night," Teri said. "It was the night that your divorce was officially official. The twins were at Kamar's and my kids were at their respective father's places. I had admitted that I was falling in love with you and then you leaned in and kissed me."

"I fell in love with you that first day at John Wayne," Sherri said.

"Yeah me too," Teri said leaning in to kiss Sherri.

In between kisses, Sherri managed, "We've got time for another couple of rounds."

"What are we waiting for?" Teri asked as Sherri straddled her.

- - -

Michael and John were getting ready in Jake's apartment bathroom, the two of them were with Jake, Jonah and Griffin were with David, and Bayley was with Maia.

"Are we okay with this?" John asked. "I mean are we really okay with this?"

"John, it's been eight and a half years, I think if we weren't okay with it by now, we wouldn't be getting ready to see Mom getting married."

"You know this means that Mom and Dad are never ever getting back together right?" John said.

"Dad cheated on Mom, she wouldn't get back together with him even if she wasn't in love with Teri." Michael reasoned. "Where is this coming from?"

"I just was thinking about Mom and Dad together, y'know?" He said. "We never really got to see it like Caylen did."

"Dad is getting serious with Danielle anyway, bro." Michael said.

John took a deep breath, "Did he ask you yet?" John asked.

"Asked me what?" Michael said finishing his hair.

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