Chapter 8

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Merry Christmas <33

since its Christmas and i literally haven't updated in a month i decided to finally finish writing this chapter so i hope you enjoy.  

"y/n wake your ass up you have school"

"Can i just skip school who needs school anyway"

Your brother had enough of your whining and dragged you out of bed. No seriously he literally dragged you. (sibling love right here yup) when your brother let go of you he told you to get ready cause you were going to be late.

You got ready and headed downstairs. Your parents were downstairs drinking coffee (your dad finally flew back home btw lol) you hugged them goodbye and you and your brother left. Apparently your brother had to talk to the boys that's why he walked with you to school

Time skipppp

You and your brother made it to the gym and the boys were already there. Of course Kage and Hinata were practicing there quick for the 50th time and the rest of the boys looked half asleep. 'Jesus do they not sleep or something' you thought. After your brother talked to them he announced they had another practice game but with aoba johsai which is where your friend oikawa goes. He was also the person who taught you how to serve and you're really excited to see him again, but um I guess kageyama wasnt based on his facial expressions. It was actually kinda scary seeing kageyama like this even though he is always like this. Around you he always tried to smile.

We finished the meeting and tsukki and yams walked to class with me. Well kinda, tsukki didn't want to walk with me so he forced yams to walk faster so i would fall behind. 'Curse my short legs' you ran and jumped on tsukkis' back and yelled "LETS GO" he tried to shake you off but you wouldn't budge. He finally gave up and continued walking to class. When you got to class you finally got off his back. "Tsukki grow shorter, '' you said, putting your hands on your hips. "What-" he looked at you very confused "you heard me giraffe grow shorter" tsukki tilted his head to the side "what does that even mea-" you shouted once more "LOWER YOUR HEAD IDIOT" tsukki lowered his head slowly still not understanding what your going to do and you gave him head pats. tsukkis face began to turn a tint of pink. "See it wasn't that hard now get to your seat class is about to start" you said going to your seat.

Tsukishima's POV:

"See it wasn't that hard now get to your seat class is about to start" you watched as y/n skipped happily to her seat. 'What is this feeling?' you thought. You turned to tadashi and he looked upset. 'Why would he be upset-' you remembered when y/n gave you head pats. 'Is he jealous- no he wouldn't be jealous why would he be jealous?"

Yamaguchi's POV

You watched as y/n gave your best friend tsukki head pats. 'Damn i wish she gave me head pats instead' you walked to your seat while tsukki stood there in shock from what just happened. You noticed his face started to turn pink. 'IS HE BLUSHING' you thought. That made you even more upset. y/n turned around to both tsukki and i and gave us the cutest grin

Yams/Tsukki: "i think i have a crush on Y/n-"

3rd person POV

"I think i have a crush on Y/n" both tsukki and yams whispered for only them to hear. They both turned to each other "what did you just say tsukki?" yams asked. "Oh I was just thinking about the practice game we have with aoba johsai" Tsukki said right as the teacher walked in.

Time skip to practice

"Okay guys, Y/n is going to be spiking to you guys and please try your best to receive the balls. This is practice for oikawa tooru's serves since he was the one that taught y/n how to serve" coach ukai said.


'After everyone tried receiving y/n's spikes they were all tired as hell. The spikes were hella fast. Nishinoya barely made it to the ball in time but he managed to receive it. Unfortunately like 90% of the team could receive the ball. By the end of practice all the boys were laying on the floor lookin dead. Noya tried to hype everyone up but they were all too tired to even move.

"I know you guys are tired so i guess we can end practice early. Go home and get some rest. The practice game is in 2 days and we still have a long way to go!" coach said

"YES SIR!" the boys said

"Oh yeah y/n can you clean up the gym i have to go cover for mom at the store"

"oh okay, see you later nii-chan!" you said

Your brother handed you the keys and left. "Wow i got the whole gym to myself" you said out loud. You took out your phone and started vibing to some music. 'This seems like a good song to listen to while i clean up the gym' you thought as you started to play the song 'ON' (dont hate me for this i just love this song sm it makes me really happy) you started jamming to the song and didn't even notice someone standing by the door. As you swept the floor jungkook's solo came on and you had to sing it, it was like the best part. (a/n if you couldn't tell my bias is jungkook ik ik shocking lmaoo)

 (sorry forgot to mention this is in Korean)"naye gotongi itneun gose naega sum shwige hasoseo My everythin' My blood and tears Got no fears I'm singin' ohhhhh Oh I'm takin' over You should know yeah Can't hold me down cuz you know I'm a fighte-'' at this point the person has been standing by the door for a good 3 minutes now. 

"Sorry to interrupt your little performance there but um i left my bag in the gym after practice do you mind me coming in and getting it?" the person by the door said. You were so embarrassed you were on your knees pretending the broom was a mic and looked like a weirdo. You quickly got up and turned to the door. "S-sure" you said, not looking at the person. They grabbed their stuff and went up to you. "you know, you shouldn't be embarrassed, your voice is really beautiful" you looked up and to your surprise it was yamaguchi. You both were inches away from each other. You could feel his warm breath from where you were standing and started to blush a little. " You can um leave now if you want yams'' you said turning around and continued to clean. You begin to walk away to clean the other side of the gym "WA-WAIT" yamaguchi said trying to grab your shoulder but trips and falls on top of you. Before you even realized what happened, Yamaguchi was on top of you and kissed you on accident.

"Hey tadashi did you get your bag-"

We both broke out of the kiss and saw tsukki by the door


mmm hey i hope you enjoyed this chapter um anyway byeeee

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