Chapter 5

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I was re reading this chapter before i published it and i hate it so much lmaoo but am i still gonna post it? yes. yes i am >:) again i made this a couple months ago so im sorry if its bad. But anyway i hope you still like the story :)

You were currently changing into some comfortable clothes so you could play a scrimmage against the boys. You were wearing black spandex shorts and a white shirt, you put your knee pads on and your shoes. You looked at yourself in the mirror and noticed your necklace. 'Maybe i should take it off' you usually never took off your necklace but you didn't want to lose it so you put it in your gym bag and headed out of the girls locker room.

The boys were currently talking with your brother about strategies for the practice game against nekoma in a couple days. The boys turned around when they heard footsteps walking out of the locker room. their eyes widened at the sight of you.

"guys stop staring, it's weird. Jeez y'all are acting like you've never seen a girl before"

The way the boys looked at you make you think the boys were judging you. but in reality they just thought you looked adorable.

"(y/n)! you look so cute" tanaka and noya yelled running up to and gave you a big hug.

"guys stop your making me blush" tanaka then proceeded to pick you up off the ground and put you on his shoulders and noya chanted "all hail the queen of the court" over and over again and even hinata joined in. you laughed still on tanaka's shoulders and kindly asked to be put down.

"goodness why do you guys have to be so cute"

this made the two second years blush even more and to make it worse you gave them a tiny kiss on the cheek. they both fell onto the ground and ennoshita dragged them by their feet to the bench to cool down after what just happened. yams and tsukki both looked so jealous (aww)

"now go finish stretching and all that other stuff so i can kick your asses in a scrimmage" you said with your arms crossed

Everyone responded with "yes ma'am" and went to stretch while you went to the bleachers and went on your phone for a while before you went to stretch too.

time skip~

you had just finished stretching when your brother blew a whistle indicating they would be moving onto something else. you noticed how they were working on spiking and you wanted to join. After all, you were great at spiking.

"hey (y/n) i didn't see you there you're just so tiny" daichi said looking down at your tiny figure

"hey i'm not that short" you pouted at your senpai's words

All daichi did was pat you on your head and smiled

it was your turn to spike the ball. Suga sets it to you and you spike it really hard. it hit the floor really loudly and the room went silent.

"THAT WAS AMAZING TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT!" Hinata said breaking the silence

"TEACH ME IT TOO" noya said after hinata

both of the boys were literally jumping around you waiting for a answer

"fine. but not today okay?"

Their eyes both lit up and they ran back into their line. your brother called you over to talk to you about the game with nekoma and you just decided to catch up with your brother while the boy's trained.

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