chapter 14 !!

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i'm back after yet another long period of time 😅 anyway please enjoy this chapter and please vote !! <33


it's saturday morning, you had just woken up to your loud alarm. 'why did i put an alarm for's a saturday' you sat up in your bed and scrolled on your phone you were still half asleep when you received a text from yamaguchi saying "picking you up in an hour for our date ;) be ready by then !!" after receiving that text you finally remembered you have a date with yams.

you quickly got up and got changed. you were wearing a cute white dress with strawberry's all over it. you headed over to your bathroom to do your hair and you honestly didn't care about makeup you just did some blush and put on some lipgloss. after getting ready you head downstairs and was greeted with your brother. he looked kinda surprised well considering his pancake fell out of his mouth after seeing you. "so why are you all dressed up huh? you got a date? spill sis or i'm not letting you leave" your brother bombarded you with questions until you finally spoke up " OKAY FINE! i'm going on a date with yamaguchi but don't get the wrong idea it's just cause i lost a bet" you say taking a sip of orange juice. "yea definitely a bet" your brother said sarcastically then laughed.

soon after the doorbell rang which meant yams was finally there . you rushed over to the door and opened it. "you ready?" yams said offering you his hand for you to hold  "yup" and you both headed on your way. since you guys weren't able to drive yet you guys had to walk "why couldn't we just call an uber yam yam?" you said skipping beside him "first of all, knock it off with that nickname you don't hear me calling you shortcake everywhere we go. and second we don't need an uber the place we are going isn't that far." getting closer to your destination yams stoped walking and grabbed your arm so you would stop too. "we are almost there i just need you to put on this blind fold it's for the surprise" he handed you the blind fold and you looked hesitant you finally gave in and put it on.

it felt like you had been wearing that blindfold forever all you could see was darkness. "okay we are here you can take off your blindfold" you took it off and were greeted with a cute little picnic. it was pretty cute. you turned to yams and he was standing by a giant tree. and you remembered it was the tree from your childhood the place you and yams said your goodbyes. "i can't believe it..this all looks the same..and after all this time too." you said smiling. "i brought you here because i wanted this to be the place i asked you...uh y/n will you be my girlfriend?" you were shocked and flustered at the question.


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