Chapter 4

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Hii thank you for all the reads! please don't forget to vote if you like this story so far :))

i have at least 4 chapters left to publish before  i have to continue writing  it again  :(

"wake up!" a voice yelled as your blanket was pulled off you

"10 more hours then i'll get up" you say trying to grab your blanket without opening your eyes but couldn't find it.

Already frustrated you sat up, opened your eyes and saw that your brother had taken your blanket off of you. You slapped him and watched as he let go of your blanket and you aggressively pulled it back onto you and fell back asleep.

"I was just gonna ask if you wanted to come with me to the guys volleyball practice later today?"

After hearing those words you jumped out of bed and stood in front of your brother.

"when's practice" you say walking over to your luggage to grab your knee pads

"and can i play with them?"

your brother chuckled and said "heh the Queen of the court wants to play with Guys that are twice her size hm?"

The comment your brother made, made you mad so you went back to bed and pulled the covers over your whole body refusing to move.

"okay okay fine you can play but don't be so hard on them"

your brother was worried you would crush the boys cause of how good you were. you may only be 4"10 but you could crush the boys in a game without even trying.

"fine." you say rolling your eyes and getting out of your bed once more to go down and eat food

"wait!" your brother called out causing you to turn around

" i know this may seem sudden but can you please help me out with coaching the guys? I need an assistant coach and I think they would listen and understand how to do things better with you teaching them?"

"But im starting school at karasuno next week and i'm just a first year plus i was planning on signing up for girls volleyba-" your brother stopped you by covering your mouth

"Qget yqurt hquaend off mqy moqugt!" (get your hand off my mouth) you yell

"You're very annoying?" your brother said, taking his hand off your mouth and wiping his hand on his shirt.

"Says you nii-chan" you say in a angry tone

"Just please think about it. You don't have to say yes right now. I'll give you time to think"

"Fine i'll do it"

"Wait really?!"

"Its like you want me to change my mind nii-chan"

yams pov:

you were sitting in class bored out of your mind. you took the ring off your necklace and started messing with it. you missed shortcake so much and wished she would come back. you couldn't help but think of (y/n) either. She seemed similar to shortcake yet so much different at the same time. you were wondering what (y/n) was doing right now and couldn't stop blushing. you turned over to tsukki and noticed he was daydreaming too. 'Wonder what tsukki is thinkin about.'

tsukki's pov:

I got bored of the lecture and just stared out the window. All you could think about was that girl you met yesterday. She was the first girl to make you blush. 'i can't stop thinking of her i want to see her again'. this was the first time you actually had feelings for a girl. you didn't want to tell anyone and that includes yamaguchi. We may be really close but i just don't feel comfortable telling anyone.

back to (y/n) ahaha~

"when i said sure to being the assistant coach i never agreed to carrying all of the equipment" you complained struggling to carry both your stuff and your brothers stuff on the walk to the school

"jeez quit complaining this is what you get for chasing me and spiking a ball at my back!" your brother said arms crossed as he spoke to you

"well at least if i were told to pick YOU up at the airport i wouldn't have forgotten to" you said sarcastically

"why you-" your brother said in a very angry tone

"shit" you put both of the bags on your back and started sprinting towards the school leaving your brother behind

time skip~

'Just keep running don't turn back' you said to yourself. your eye now closed still running until you bumped into a tall person

When I bumped into the tall person he fell down and you fell on top of him.

'Why do bad things always happen to me' I looked down to see I was on top of TSUKISHIMA!

"Get a room both of you jeez we are still in school" a third year said passing by us.

Me and tsukishima looked at each other and started blushing then we both got up.

"i am so sorry I was trying to run away from my brother," you said, bowing your head multiple times.

"Just watch where you're going next time okay tiny" the tall figure said

"Hey! I'm not that short"

We didn't notice that the third year was still standing there until she spoke again and said

"Well imma go now. See you at home yams!" the third year said as she walked away

"Who was that" you ask tsukki who was standing next to you in a whisper voice

"That's Yamaguchi's older sister evie"

"Oh okay" I used to know a girl named Evie but i forgot what she looked like.

you looked up at tsukki and he looked like he was trying to cover up the fact he was blushing but his ears gave him away. standing next to him was also a tall person who had green hair. He was pretty cute but he did remind you of someone you knew before. they offer to help you with your bags but you kindly declined saying you were capable of carrying them yourself as you took the bags inside leaving the two tall males standing there blushing when my brother put his hands on both of their shoulders and said

"keep checking out my sister and you guys won't see a tomorrow"

you giggled at the sight of the two tall males who look like scared little kids that have just seen a ghost. You could tell your brother wasn't mad at you anymore and he gave you a thumbs up for you to go get changed while the guys stretched.

(a/n) wow didn't think tsukki would catch feelings for Y/n :0

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