chapter 12

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"good luck out there" you say to yourself as you watch the boys from the sidelines.

you walk over to the bench where kiyoko and yamaguchi are sitting and sit in the middle of them.

"hey y/n"

"what's up yam-yam?"

"don't call me that it's embarrassing"

"so what? i let you call me shortcake a long time ago even if i hated it"

"okay okay that's fair"



"shut up everyone's staring at you.." you whispered to yams as you covered his mouth with your hand

"fine" yams says after slapping your hand off him

you turn back to the game trying to focus on how the other team plays. so far karasuno is in the lead i mean as they should we didn't practice until we were dead on the floor for nothing and it's all thanks to kag and hinata's quick and all of their awesome team work.

~time skip~
(i didn't wanna bore you guys with a long description of the game so time skip!)

24 to 23 one mistake and we lose.

"12 is subbing for 10..if karasuno wins this point they win the scrimmage"

"hey y/n, let's make a bet"

"what is the bet tadashi?"

"if i win this point.."

"keep going?"

"we go on a date."

i love cliff hangers don't you 🤨 don't worry the next chapter is in my drafts i'll post it tomorrow . anyway please leave a vote goodbye ❣️

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