Chapter 2

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Hello i hope you like this chapter :)

Sorry there are some spelling/grammar mistakes

12 years ago on this day was the day you left your green haired best friend who at the time meant the world to you. Now you were 16 and forgot about your past friendship with your dear friend yamaguchi. You had trouble making friends because you knew you would have to move away at one point so you like to distance yourself from people. You now have been living in California for a good 3 years now. This is the longest you've stayed in one spot ever since you started traveling.

Because of this you were able to stay on the same volleyball team for once. Since volleyball was your passion you would join teams even though you knew you were gonna move every year. Since you've played on different teams you were pretty famous. You played on teams in Japan, Russia, of course California, and etc. You were known as Queen of the Court. You played as a great libero but you were most famous for your killer serves and spikes. People may not think you were capable of doing these things considering you were 4"10 and it seems you have stopped growing ( ik its sad get over it). But once you're on the court everyone would fear you.

Even though you have fully forgotten the friendship you had with Yams you never stopped wearing the ring. The ring was now on a necklace since you have outgrown the ring and it refused to fit your finger. Why did you keep the ring? You occasionally ask yourself this exact question every now and then. You never took the ring off because you knew it had a huge purpose. You may not know what it is but one day you would figure it out.

"(y/n)! come down i have something exciting to tell you" your dad yelled from downstairs.

you ran downstairs cause you were excited to hear what your dad had to say

"Yes dad, what is it?" you say tilting your head to the side a little

"I have great news. We are moving back to japan for good!" your dad said excitingly

"wait does that mean i get to see mom and nii-chan again?!" you said jumping up and down.

"Yes, after trying to convince my boss for a while now i finally convinced him to let me work in japan for good"

Wow after all these years of traveling i'm actually going home. You missed your brother and your volleyball friends back in japan. You were honestly really gonna miss California but you can always visit. But leaving california meant quitting your volleyball team. The thought of that made you sad, you were starting to feel really close with your current team and you could imagine how sad they would be if they found out you were leaving. 'Its fine i can still play volleyball in japan no biggy you thought but then you were brought back to reality by your father.

"go pack your things we are leaving next week!" you dad said super excited

"Japan, here we come..."

yamaguchi's pov:

It was really hard for me to make friends after my best friend left. I got bullied a lot but this time you weren't there to help me. I barely talked to anyone and didn't have friends until I met this blonde haired guy with glasses. His name was tsukishima but i called him tsukki for short. He was the first person to stand up to me after shortcake left. Everytime me and tsukki hung out I would always find ways to bring my best friend, shortcake into the convo. Tsukki never really seemed interested in hearing about her but I knew deep down he really did.

I still have the ring. The ring was on a necklace I would hide under my shirt so that it wouldn't lose it. Even though it's been 12 years now and shortcake still hasn't returned, I never took it off because I still had hope.

Ever since shortcake left I started playing volleyball. I remember back when she still was here in japan she would always talk about how she was gonna play one day and be the best player ever. I would always tell her to follow her dreams hoping one day she would and I hope she did. I was never great at volleyball but I never gave up. I'm a first year now and I started playing on the volleyball team in karasuno. I'm not the best out of everyone there but i still try.

"one day i'll see you"

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