chapter 10

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hey besties i'm back after i think another month idek but anyway this book is about to come to an end real soon and i'm very excited to write the ending but anyway here is chapter 10 my lovely's <33

third person

"hey y/n can i talk to you...privately i mean" tsukki said standing by the doorway

"sure!" y/n stands up and skips her way to tsukki she grabs his hand and pulls him down the stairs near the hallway where no one was.

her sudden action made tsukki smile for once, but not just a regular smile, one that went from ear to ear. tsukki is never like this well we should all know this after all it's tsukishima.

"so what was it you were going to say to me?" y/n let go of his hand. he sighed and started what he was gonna tell him

"so..for a while now i've been crushing on this girl and i don't know how to tell her..she is really pretty, outgoing, great at volleyball, and is short" he laughed after he said that last thing "but besides the do i tell her i like her like a lot?"

"well honestly i would just go for it! shoot your shot i'm sure she will like you back. i mean look at you your boyfriend material enough" y/n says while making jazz hands around tsukki which make him laugh.

"well how should i tell her?"

"just straight up be like hey! wanna go on a date sometime?" y/n said trying to make her voice sound like a guy

"well okay will you maybe wanna go on a date sometime?"

"not me silly the girl you li-" before even finishing her sentence she realized. how can she be so stupid tsukishima likes her— oh fuck.

"tsukki i didn't think you meant me..i'm sorry" y/n ran back up to the roof where her friends were trying to lose tsukishima "fuck him and his long ass legs" you say catching your breath at the top of the stairs. everyone was just staring at you in confusion except one person..

flashback to a couple minutes ago (secret pov)

"will you go on a date with me?"

"a date- that's what was so important that he had to pull y/n aside" you clenched your fist. he knew very well that i liked her. i don't even try to hid it anymore

you rushed up to the rooftop back to the rest of the team before they both got back

"tadashi! where did you run off to?"

"nothing important i had to go get something"

"oh okay"

"fuck him and his long ass legs" y/n said making it up the stairs

you noticed something on her neck 'a necklace?' but wait something is on it. 'it's the matching ring me and my old friend have wait-' you squint your eyes even more and you were right


"SHORTCAKE?" everyone else yelled

y/n looked up after catching her breath "yam-yam?" all her childhood memories were now coming back to her..she finally remembered. she looked at yamaguchi's necklace he was wearing in awe

this whole time they have been waiting and looking for each other they had been right in front of each other this whole time. y/n jumped into yams arms and started crying

"what the hell is going on?"

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