Chapter 3

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Thank you to the people that enjoy this story which i highly doubt there is any people but anyway here is chapter three

The day is finally here, today was the day you would be flying back to japan. You would be flying alone because your dad had some last minute paperwork to do and would be leaving for japan next week but you were fine with it. You've traveled alone many times before and this time wouldn't be any different. My dad dropped me off at the airport and told me that my brother would pick me up.

Finally your 11 hour flight was over and you were heading over to the baggage claim to get the rest of your luggage. You walked to the front of the airport and waited there. 'Nii-chan should be here any minute' you thought.

It's been 2 hours and your brother was still nowhere to be seen. You started thinking of what he could be doing right now when it hit you. A couple weeks before you flew over to japan your brother informed you that he became the coach of the karasuno boys volleyball team just like our grandfather back then. ' that's probably where nii-chan is right now' you thought as you looked at your phone. It was currently 4pm so he is most likely at karasuno right now. 'When i get there im going to murder him' you quickly grabbed a cab and asked to be brought to karasuno, the guy was a little confused on why you wanted to go to the school this late but he was getting paid so he just rolled with it.

After the hour long ride to karasuno you were finally there. You paid the nice man and took your luggage out of the trunk. You brought your luggage to the outside of a gym you heard noise coming out of. You peeked your head inside the gym without getting noticed and saw him talking to some nice girl with glasses holding a clipboard. 'Nii-chan you're so dead'

Just as you were literally planning your brother's death a ball came rolling out of the gym. You quickly grabbed the ball without anyone noticing and quickly spiked the ball and it hit the other side of the gym's wall. "Boom" that's all you could hear throughout the gym and everyone grew silent. They went towards the ball that you spiked into the gym.

"what the fuck was that"

"Hinata was that you that did that?"

"Who me? i could never do anything like that"

"then it must be Asahi"

"i-i can't even do that"

"who did it then?" your brother finally said

You popped your head into the gym and yelled " boo" everyone quickly turned to where they heard the noise and all the second and third years were so excited to see it was you.

"did yall miss me?" you said winking at them causing most of them to blush

"(Y/N)!!!!" Noya and tanaka yelled before jumping at you

You were now on the floor laughing with tanaka and noya until you finally got up. You knew the second and third years from when your grandfather invited you back to japan to watch his team play a game.

(during this time you forgot about yams and didn't have time to visit yams anyway. yams didn't even know you came back to japan)

You gave your brother a scary death stare and everyone felt shivers go down there spin. Who knew a tiny girl like you would be so scary. The whole team watched as they witnessed their coach run for his life. They have never seen their coach this scared before.

"I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" your brother yelled trying his best to get away from you


You and your brother were running around the whole gym while he tried dogging your punches. at this point you were tired of chasing your brother and kindly asked suga for one of the balls and spiked it at your brothers back causing him to face plant onto the floor.

"there that's what you get for leaving your younger sister at the airport you baka!" you say with your arms crossed proud of what you just did then walked back over to the boys.

"It's great to see you guys again, it's been so long" you said and proceeded to hug the three third years and the rest of the second years.

bby yams pov:

"Boom" everyone turned to where the ball flew towards. Everyone started asking all sorts of questions until "boo" everyone followed the voice leading us to the front door of the was a girl that spiked that ball? That's impossible, she's shorter than nishinoya. She then proceeded to ask " did yall miss me?" then she winked, causing half the boys including me to blush, surprisingly even tsukki was blushing. He tried to hide it though he kinda gave it away just by looking at his red ears. 'What does she mean do we miss her? has she met them before.she kinda does look like someone i know though so' you thought. You were now in your own world wondering all sorts of stuff like who she was and how she got here, you were so lost in your own world you didn't realize you were staring at the girl this whole time. The girl turned to you and noticed your stare and she just smiled, causing you to blush even more.

coach ukai finally got up from the floor and introduced us to the girl.

"Sis this is my team, and everyone this is my sister Ukai (y/n)" coach ukai said putting his hand on her shoulder but she just slapped his hand causing him to silently cry in pain.

'(y/n)? that sounded so familiar like you've heard it many times before'

back to (y/n)'s pov ~

You were now sitting down on the bleachers waiting for practice to end. You were very tired because of your flight and just decided to take a nap considering practice would last for another hour or so. An hour later you opened your eyes to reveal several boys surrounding you which startled you. And made you blush.

"hey keep staring at my sister and your gonna be running laps for the whole practice tomorrow"

They all gave you some space as you sat up and started yawning and stretching. You were still really tired so when you tried standing up you fell over, luckily daichi caught you. Daichi handed you over to Your brother and your brother put you on his back so you could rest some more. It's good your brother took his car to practice or he wouldn't have carried you all the way to the house even though you were very light. The boys helped with your luggage and put them in the car.

"see you guys tomorrow" you say with a sleepy voice before passing out again on your brothers back again.

they all laughed and said their goodbyes as they walked home.

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