Chapter 11

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i'm back again surprise? anyway since i'm on summer vacation ill try my best to update i promise :)  if you get random notifications that i've updated i am probably trying to fix some of my old chapters. now lets get into this mess of a story shall we.

"what the hell is going on?" Tsukki says when he finally made it back. lets just say he was a tiny bit pissed when he saw what y/n and yamaguchi were doing. okay i'm not even gonna lie he was furious, not only did he just get rejected by the girl he liked the most but she was now hugging his best friend? when did this happen.

"honestly we don;t even know tsukki.."

"yea y/n just came up here out of breathe and now they are embracing each other and i think they are crying?" daichi added after suga

"HEY! explain this right now" noya said throwing an eraser he was using to finish up the math homework he never completed at y/n's head

"son of a- what was that for we are having a moment" y/n said as both of them lifted their heads.

after they literally explained there childhood story all of them were in tears? well noya and tanaka were. talk about dramatic 

"and now your reunited after all these years" noya said wiping away his visible tears from his face

"pretty much" yams said messing up your hair. and then the bell rang 

"i'll meet you all at practice i have a meeting i need to attend bye!" you said as you walk to the teachers lounge.

you, kiyoko and takeda sensei have a meeting discussing the short camp coming up which meant all your afternoon classes were canceled for the day. honestly you didn't mind it just meant you can keep away from tsukki after that awkward situation that occurred earlier but your going to have to talk to him about it eventually it just wasn't the right time. the teachers didn't mind you being gone from the lessons, you were a great student and ahead  of most of the class since you came from the US. as the meeting came to an end it was already the end of the day which meant it was time for volleyball practice. a little later into practice oikawa's team will be coming for a scrimmage which the boys have been preparing for, for a while now. 

the three of you made it to the gym and the boys were all doing different things. hinata and kags were practicing their quick, the third years were all stretching, the forgotten trio were running laps since they just came in and noya and tanaka were teasing yamaguchi for who knows what while tsukki sat on the bench minding his own business. 

"OKAY LETS GET TO PRACTICING THEY ARE COMING IN AN HOUR CHOP CHOP" your brother yelled behind you startling the living shit out of you. i think it summoned your fight or flight cause you spun around and kicked him where it hurts with all your strength and ran to yamaguchi 

"ooo-" all the boys yelled. it was like they all felt his pain too.

"SON OF A- WHAT WAS THAT FOR-" your brother finally looked looked up to see you hiding behind yamaguchi your childhood friend, both of your necklaces being visible and all you saw was a smile form on your brothers face despite the pain he is receiving from your kick.

"you finally remembered didn't you?" 

"you knew?"

"no shit i grew up with you of course i know tadashi was your childhood friend stu-" coach ukai was interrupted by a shoe being thrown at his face.

"no more time for chit-chat lets get to practicing so your asses aren't beat during this scrimmage" you say walking over to your brother who was laying on the floor and grabbed your shoe and placed it back on your foot. the rest of the boys just stared at you 

"okay are you guys just gonna stare at me or get to practicing? GO" they all listened to you and went off to practice.

*an hour later*

"is that y/n?" oikawa said walking in first with his team following him

"the one and only" you get up from the floor where you have been laying for the past half hour because you were tired as fuck and hug your old friend. 

"its been so long how are you? your still as short as i remember" oikawa says whipping a fake tear from his eye

"oh shut up will you, now go we have a scrimmage to do we can catch up after"  you guys hugged one final time and went to your sides of the court

"good luck out there" 


and that's the end for chapter 11! i'm sorry if its not as long as you wished i promise i will update in a couple weeks depending if i'm busy but who knows i might even update tomorrow if i have the motivation. i'm thankful for the people who have stayed since i first published this book and hope you still are enjoying this book! feel free to leave a comment and please vote :)) goodbye for now <33

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