Mending the Damage

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Very Bad Sequel to "Christmas Turned to Chaos" Sorry!!

It had been a few hours since Piper had dismissed her family away from her hospital room, it was now about 11pm in the evening, visiting closed and her family went home, and Piper had awoken from her nap,still lay on Finn's chest. He was on his phone scrolling through Instagram, her Instagram? He was scrolling through her posts and smiling at each one of them...he was so cute sometimes. He was the person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. He eventually noticed that she was awake and kissed her forehead softly, "Hey baby, your finally awake now" he whispered gently while running the ends of her hair through his fingers, she smiled fondly at him and remembered what happened before she fell into her slumber, "Did my family leave! I don't want them here! And James definitely not because he-" Finn cut off her ramble, "Pipes I got rid of them it's ok" her tense facials immediately calmed, "I don't want to see them! At all!" She mumbled however emphasising her point, Finn sighed, "it's not your sisters fault or your mums it's just James right?" He asked her , "yeah...but he was being way out of line and he's the reason I was hit by a car" she retorted to his question, "I need to pee" she mumbled carelessly with a giggle, Finn sighed knowing she needed his help but was probably embarrassed to ask. Piper winced in pain as she moved her legs to the end of her bed, "Do you need help?" He asked her while sliding himself from the bed with ease. She struggled for a few moments before giving in to his offer, "please"...

She whimpered in pain as Finn helped her out of the bed, her legs felt like jelly and she couldn't hold herself up and nearly fell, Finn supported her and held her up, "I got you, don't worry your not gonna fall" he reassured her, "Finn it hurts" she let a tear slip down her face, "I know baby, I know but come on, one step at a time", after a moment of preparing herself Finn helped her walk the walk to the toilet, her IV dragging behind them, she realised that if he was willing to take her and help her go to the toilet when she was unwell, he must of loved her at least a little bit, she was happy that he was able to stay with her, she wasn't ready to face her family just yet...

Back at the Valentino household, the family were bickering back and forth over Piper, James had realised that he was wrong over Finn but no one was having it. "James this is all your fault! She doesn't want to speak to us anymore and all because you were overprotective!" Deborah bellowed at her son in a fit of rage, pacing back and forth the living room. "Hey, I've never met this Finn guy! For all I know he could of been a creep smooching my sister" James argued back, "ENOUGH!" Lukas silenced the family, "there's no point in us arguing over this but James you could of been a bit more understanding..." the man of the house attempted to reason, James wasn't having any of it. "Oh I'm so fed up of this bullshit!" He shouted and stormed up the stairs, the house shook as he stomped his feet with each step he took, a door slam echoed throughout the home, for a moment- silence until Riley spoke up "I'll go and talk to him" before following her fiancé up the stairs calmly...

Riley approached James' old bedroom, opening the door slowly with a creaking sound, he sat on the double bed with his knuckles pushed together, parts of his hand turning white from the pressure. "James?" She made herself known to him, he didn't turn around, she sat on the bed and placed her hand on his shoulder reassuringly, "you good?" She asked him only to be met with a sigh, "I don't know...It's Christmas, my sister is in the hospital, she hates me and now I've messed up with my first impressions with her boyfriend so that's just great isn't it?" He admitted in an attitude that was far from his usual chill, "Well maybe you could try and see her tomorrow? She might want to see you and you can meet Finn properly" Riley reasoned to which James' face softened to his usual facials, he smiled "Thanks Ri" he told her with a peck on the cheek. He was thankful for her.

Before going to bed, James felt a random urge to go into Piper's room, she mentioned that she had changed it up a bit. He entered hesitantly, he saw her room all neat and tidy as always, a small stack of presents were placed under her small Christmas tree in the corner of her room, they were all neatly labelled, he saw that one of her shelves had a large pile of hoodies on it, his hoodies. On her wall were a collection of photographs, they ranged from A Troupe shots to her with the zero percent club, some with the family, and of course some with Finn, the ones with Finn were labelled in Piper's handwriting "Finley Issac" with a heart next to it, this only fuelled both his guilt and desire to mend the breakage he had caused...

The next morning, Finn awoke in the stiff and uncomfortable hospital chair next to Pipers bed. His back clicked in at least 5 places when he sat up, Piper was snoring softly to his left, it wasn't long until the nurse came in to check on her and change her IV which stirred Piper from her slumber, "Finn? Are you here still?" She whispered tiredly, feeling herself being poked and prodded at uncomfortably. "Finn?!" She cried out, "shhh baby I'm here don't worry, the nurse is just checking you over" he held her hand and drew circles on her knuckles with his thumb, calming her down. After a moment the nurse left and the couple began conversation, "So you gonna talk to James today?" The brunette looked at her boyfriend with a worried look ok her face "...I don't know, maybe, maybe not but I don't want him to get angry again, I'm dating you and he just has to accept that" she admitted with a sigh. "You know...I get why he was angry Pipes" he told her only to be met with her scrunching her nose in confusion, "...well come on, we've been dating for months and he doesn't even know at all, I'd be pretty annoyed too if Star did that to me in however many years" he reasoned, Piper smiled at the thought of his little 4year old sister. "Yeah I guess, thanks Finn I love you bubs" "love you too" and they shared a sweet kiss...

It wasn't long before James was at the hospital, he was on a mission, a mission of apology! He entered the hospital waiting room, a shawarma was in a plastic bag in his hand along with her favourite sweets: starbursts. He entered the ward, is if it was scripted he saw Finn typing numbers into the vending machine to retrieve a iced green tea, now was his chance to apologise to him. He approached the curly haired boy slowly and cautiously, "Hey, Finn right?" He made his presence known, making Finn jump, "Oh Uhm hey James, you here to see Pipes or...?" The curly haired boy attempted to make conversation, "Yeah but I wanted to apologise to you too...I was hard on you for no reason and it seems that Piper really loves you and you love her and u give eachother happiness, hard feelings?" James offered his hand for a handshake, Finn was reluctant at first but accepted the apology, "No hard feelings man, I get it" he smiled at her brother, before leading him to Pipers room...

Piper was startled by the door opening, revealing Finn and James? Piper tensed slightly, "if you are gonna shout, please leave" she told him firmly, James felt hurt that his sister was afraid of him, he approached the bed and sat on the edge of it, "Pipes...I know I was mad and I'm so sorry I caused you to be in here , I really am...and I suppose this dude ain't that bad, can we be mates again? Please? I brought shawarmas?" He smiled at her hopefully to which he got a nod and a hug offering, it was all gonna be ok this Christmas...

A/N- Merry Christmas! I hope u all had a good day! Please leave ur thoughts and requests in the comments below and I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!! 🤍🤍🤍

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