Press and Punches

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Piper sat in the front seat of James' car, she watched the raindrops fall down the window while blocking out the sounds of Eldon and West arguing over choreo in the back seats, James was taking them all to the studio as him and the band were visiting the music studio after their very successful tour, so successful that the press had become very interested in both the band and the members family's and social lives. Piper was planning how she was going to tell Amy about the kiss,she knew Finn wanted to be with her but she couldn't date Finn without telling Amy that's betrayal. Eldon and West were coming to the studio to choreograph a small group dance for the Bros just for a small competition to get used to being on a stage again...

As James pulled into the studio car park, white lights began flashing and multiple people coming so close to the car that the doors would barely open. After getting the door open the group with hit with all sorts of questions "James! James! How's your music career?!" "James! How is your relationship with Miss Starr?" "Are John and Michelle an item?" "Miss Piper, Whats your love status?!" That hit Piper like a tonne of bricks, the group began to push through the crowd of people and into the studio...

As Piper reached Studio A, she leaned against the door while exhaling loudly. "Hi Piper...Whats up?" Emily spoke happily before noticing the flushed brunette up against the wall, "the press" she breathed out, Emily nodded in understanding, they had been following her and Riley too with the latest headline being the 'Starr Sisters Seen with Riley's Beau James' wow they were creative in that office weren't they? "NICK!" Emily summoned the Brit, "Yes Emily?" He emerged from the office, "Ah Nick, Please do me a favour and go clear out the reporters outside, it can be stressful for the team" He raised an eyebrow at this but obliged anyway to save himself from the wrath...

A Troupe had now gathered into the studio, they were clustered around the dance space, Piper watched Amy...She was all over Finn, Piper wasn't one for jealousy but she couldn't help but wonder, why couldn't that be her. Nick suddenly emerged from the door, "You know those paparazzi people are very rude" he stated while straightening his bow tie, "Try dealing with them because your brothers famous" Piper replied bluntly causing the team to be confused at her sudden outburst, Emily announced Eldon and West, making the boys jump with joy, Piper was about to head to studio one to work on the Dancemania choreo she feels her arm being tapped, "Piper, I need advice" it was Amy...

The two best friends were sat in The Next Steep, Piper was putting on a brave face so much so that you couldn't tell anything was bothering her. Piper was listening to Amy talk about anything and everything knowing that the information she knows is about to crush her, "Anyway P, I think I'm gonna end it with Finn" Amy admitted, this got Pipers attention. "Why?" "I just don't feel like he's my person anymore so do you think I should end It?" The blonde admitted, "Oh Amy, it seems like you have already made up your mind" Piper reassured her friend, Amy stood up slowly "better get it over with then.." she turned to leave until... "Finn and I kissed!" Piper blurted out bracing herself for what happens next...

Back in Studio A, West and Eldon were running through the choreography once more, "5,6,7,8...Kingston timing, Henry clean that up" corrections were here, there and everywhere. "Ok take 5" Eldon announced, all of a sudden Amy came storming through the doors, "Finn!" "Oh hey" Amy wasn't looking for friendly conversation, she brought her hand up and slapped him across the face, the others gasping in shock. "Any other dancer, I think I could understand, BUT MY OWN BESTFRIEND! YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH PIPER!!" She roared at him, Henry was about to say something to stand up for his bestfriend but then "Finn? Amy please listen to me! " Piper pleaded softly, she entered the room with clear sadness plastered across her face, a small bleeding wound on her cheek with Scarlett red dripping onto her dance wear, "Pipes" Finn breathed. He didn't care that Amy was mad at him, he didn't care what other people thought he just walked over to his best friend and ran the back of his hand down her cheek gently, his touch making her wince slightly. He turned to face Amy once more, "You hit her?! For something I did! I know I messed up but come on Amy!" He announced boldly. All of a sudden Finn was on the ground...Henry had decided to make this violent, this was weird to watch but back to the point, the two boys were throwing punches at one another until a shout was heard "Hey! Hey! Break it up!" West announced as him and Eldon pulled the boys apart. Amy and Piper going to attend to each boy. Amy and Henry took eachother by the hand and stormed out, Piper just wrapped her arms around Finn's torso and buried her face in his chest, he instinctively wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head softly and resting his chin a top it. He may not be Pipers boyfriend officially but he was still there for her, the paparazzi were gonna love this Piper thought to herself...

A/N- This is so awful I'm so sorry, also I'm terrible at SPAG so sorry for the amount of commas. Please leave ur thoughts and requests in the comments and I hope u enjoyed this chapter !! 💙

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