The Miyas and the Sakusas. Two of the richest families in all Japan. They were business partners but they always did it outside of theirhouses because they couldn't really trust each other to 100%. They always were nice to each other. But their families were different.
In the Miya family it was normal to have one child. And only one child. No one had siblings. In fact Atsumu and Osamu were the first who had a sibling. But they are twins, it would be weird if they wouldn't have a brother. It was always nice to communicate with the soulmate over writing on their wrist or something.
The Sakusa family was a little different. In most of the generations were at least 3 children. The now youngest generation would have 4 children. One Sakusa, one Komori and two Sunas.
When the youngest generation was 15 years old they decided they should discuss their business plans at the Sakusa main residence. The family had 5 houses. One for work, the so called main residence. One for the Sakusas, one for the Komoris, one for the Sunas and one where the children lived.
191 words
Here a little explanation I wrote yesterday.

Normal \OsaSuna
FanficI hate this story but for some reason people really like it, so read at your own risk. Two families, the Miyas and the Sakusas. Well the Sakusas are split up into 3. The Sakusas were split up into: The Sakusas, which is the family of the oldest so...