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Khushi is still in shock when leena comes there

L. Khushi

K. Huh hm

L.  Where you lost he tease her hitting her with her shoulder

K. Erm no where. Actually I've loads of work so excuse me. She  stammers and immediately left from there before she says her something further. 

In pool side

Arnav is sitting there thinking about her stubborn before and not able to understand what he should do that she could come with him.  He is fed up from his life. It's been two years he is living like a corpus and if this will continue then that day is not far when he will die and there won't be anyone around him.  He wanna live his life being happy. And for that he needs Khushi and if she won't be there bcz if she won't be there then his life gonna he dull and drab  and most importantly meaningless.  Suddenly he came out from his zone when he felt her behind him. He turned and found her staring at him folding arms having stern look

K.  What what was that in downstairs.

Arnav smirk and got up shrugging his clothes

Ar. What you talking about. He try to being unwhere of question

K. I know you  know about what I'm talking about. So stop being so innocent

Ar. I seriously don't know what you are saying. Can you plz put light on whole question so that I could understand. He grin   Keeping his hands in his back.

K. I'm talking about that which you did outside

Ar. Oh that. It was just a kiss nothing serious

K. What do you mean it's not serious.  You did it without my permission

Ar.  So what's the big deal. I can kiss you anytime as you are my legally wife.

K.  What's wrong with you Arnav. Why are you ranting wife wife again. For god sake we are divorced

Ar. Actually we are not

K. Means she stammers

Ar.  I never submitted it nor I've signed it.

K.  But why why didn't you do it when we were already separated.

Ar. Because I had hope that one day you will come back to me and will say Arnav I'm back and after this I will never leave you. He sobs having thick layers of tears in his eyes

K. Arnav why are you doing this

Ar. I'm doing this for us. Because I know we both can never be happy without each other.  If  we will live separate then soon we will die and I don't want it and I'm sure you as well. Khushi i  know I did grave mistake I never tried to understand you and when I did that time it was too late.  I'm sorry for everything. If you want I can hold your feet.

Arnav what you doing. Khushi shriek when he touched her feet. She  just hold him and pulled him up.

Ar. Plz come back with me plz.  Tomorrow is last day. After this marriage I'll leave and if i left then you will hear about my death only. This is promise to you of mine.  So plz Khushi plz.khushi sobs and bent her head down

Ar. Tomorrow is your last day.  After marriage  I'll directly go on the airport and will wait for you.  If you wanna give me chance then come there.  And if you didn't come there then you will never see me in your life.  This is promise to you.  He  kissed her forehead lovingly and left from leaving her In dilemma.

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