menofying her

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Ar. I specially plucked for you from garden and you spoiled them

K. My heart is already plucked out from my rib cage and the person who did it's you .. so i dont want you to hurt other things as well the way you did to me..

Ar. Khushi i i

K.  I'm just waiting for that day when we will officially part away and after that i will never see your face in my life. Thats promise to you from mine.. saying this she walks out without caring what he feels or what her words worked on his heart. Arnav set on the floor and started collecting all flowers which she went squeezing under her feet...but he knows she dont have fault he was the one who hurted her snd forced her to behave like this.  He has only 13 days and in those days he has to win her somehow and has to rectify for his mistakes.he sighs and left keeping them on the table

After sometime

Khushi is arranging  table when arnav came there

Ar. Erm khushi you didnt make my coffee i was waiting for it

K.  From now on harri parkash will make for you.  Ive told him he would be coming with that..

Ar. B,,  But why? i mean to say when you are here then why you asked him to make it

K.  I wont be here for whole life  infect in few days im going so its better  you  get habit to take coffee from servants.  You know what i mean .. anyways move I've to do loads of work. Saying this she left from there making his condition more miserable

An.  Chote.

Ar. Yes di he smiles wiping his tears before she sees him crying

An.  Did you fight with khushi ji.. why she seemed upset with you.

Ar. Nothing di nothing everything is fine.. you dont worry .

An. Are you sure chote

Ar. Yes di. Yes 

Nani. Come and sit ..chote, anjali why are you standing come have food..she spoke grabbing her chair..

Ar. Yes nani meanwhile all people comes and set there

Ar.  Hurri parkash where is khushi.. won't she do breakfast

H. Sir she said she has done her breakfast..

Ar. But when ?did you see her doing it

H. I didnt but she said it that she did it

Ar.  Mein dekhta hoo ..Before someone says him anything he just left to call her. In room

Khushi is crying sitting on the edge of window when arnav enters there..

Ar. Khushi.. khushi immediately clean her tears and look at him with stern face

Ar. Why you didnt come to do breakfast i was waiting for you

K. I think hurri told you that ive done my breakfast.

Ar. Stop lying ok i know you didnt have anything since Last night..

K. Why do you care if i have or not. You shouldn't bother about it..

Ar.  Khushi stop irritating me and let's go

K. I dont wanna eat anything. You go and enjoy with your family ...arnav rub his forehead in  frustration and lift up her in his arms making her shock

K. What you doing let me go. 

Ar. Now ill put you down when we will reach downstairs..  understand.  He glares her and started walking  towards stairs without caring about her shouts or anger.. all family just astonished to seeing them  like this..

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