his tears

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I've to... khushi spoke coming out from his hold..

Arnav sighs and just look at her with pleading eyes but nothing worked and she walked out from there leaving him alone there..

After few days

In mansion

Khushi comes there and set on the sofa thinking about him. He is the same person whom she loved once and was dreaming about future with him. She thought that maybe after seeing so much hurdles atlast she will get some love in her life through him but she was wrong. His life got worse after marrying him. He didn't leave a chance to hurting her.. he always taunt her broke her heart and didnt want her in his life but now when she is saying she wanna go then why he is stopping him. But maybe his guilt is that much deep that he knows that if he won't rectify for his mistakes and won't get forgiveness from her then he won't able to get peace but this is utterly wrong. If he genuinely sorry to his behaviour then he should let her go wherever she wants instead of stopping her with him. Suddenly her trance broke when arnav enters there with puffy eyes. She look at him and immediately lay down on the sofa back facing him..

Ar. Erm khushi you wanted to leave right. Khushi opens her eyes and slowly turns his side..

Ar. I was trying my best to keep you with me as maybe i had become selfish for my own self. I had thought that if I'll give you all love for what you craved for then maybe you will forgive me and we will live our life happily but then i thought keeping myself on your place and realised its really hard to live with that person who hurted you so much and pretend like nothing happens. So I've decided you can do whatever is in your mind you can leave me tomorrow I'll drop you on airport and after that you are free to go wherever you want. Khushi look at his face and found genuine concerns for her..

K. That's mean i can go

Ar. Yep you can i won't stop you.

K. Thank you for letting me go. Its a big favour from you to me thank you genuinely

Ar. If you want you can meet your family for last time

K. My bau ji is in comma who loves me truly and about other people then they are nothing but strangers to me so i dont wanna meet them nor they wanted to I'm sure about that.. anyways i should do my packing now. Excuse me. A loan tear escaped from his eyes looking her going .now only one night has left and after that he wont see her. She will leave him forever and will never come back in his life ... he sobs and wipes his tears looking down on the floor.

In morning
.without letting anyone know arnav dragged her and her luggage outside..he kept it in car and made her sit as well in that

K. what will you tell them about me

Ar. You don't worry i know how to handle it. Anyways shall we leave. Khushi nods and they drove away from there

At airport

Khushi about to go when he held her wrist

K. Kya huva

Ar. Can i hug you plz for last time. Khushi think a while and nodded making him smile in tears he just blink his eyes and hugged her tightly like his life is depands over her

Ar. I'll miss you. Khushi didn't speak anything and standing like a statue hanging her arms down ..

Ar. Take care of yourself and if you could then forgive me as well. He caresses her face and kissed her forehead.

Ar. Good bye. May you have good life a head. Khushi just nods and left from there. Arnav just fell on his knees to seeing her going away from him. He don't know where's she going. Which place she gonna choose but atleast his heart will get peace by thinking that he sacrificed his happiness for her and this is big thing for him.

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