he hates her

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Khushi cried hard keeping head on his chest ... her sobs are just increasing second by second thinking about her father who is dying leaving her alone in this cruel world. Only one thing is bothering her and that is if he will die then who will be there to stand besides her how will she fight with all people who hates her so much.

P. What happened khushi why are you crying. Arnav who was in trance of consoling her he pushed her away  and stood in distance

Ar. Leave all this you tell me where you been from last night.. i had left you office to saying close the office after finshing and then go home but you instead of coming home where you went ha. I know you have habit to roam around in streets like those ladies but now your name have been connected with me so kindly forget your before marriage habits.. i dont like those ladies who stays outside at night. Understand

K. Im sorry next time i won't do it. .she whispers wiping her tears

Ar. You better be. Now go and make breakfast for me I'm starving. Khushi nodded and he walked out from there  while going up payal's question stops him on his track

P. Khushi where were you ha. I know that you never stay outaide at night like this unless its so urgent. Tell me what happened

K.  Babu ji mar raha ha. Last night his health had been got uneven and  amma had called me urgently in hospital and there doctor said bau ji dont have that much time .. he is dying. She hiccups telling her sister all truth. Payal gasp and pulled her little sister in hug consoling her while controlling her osn emotions.

P. Why you didnt tell arnav about truth then she sobs caressing her hair

K . That person who can't see my innocence and doesn't trust me i dont wanna tell him about my pain and sorrow... he won't trust me jiji she sobs hugging her tightly. Arnav got speechless after hearing her. That khushi who always gave him explanation today she started hiding things from him to thinking he won't trust her. But why she did it why she is hiding things from him. One second has he ever trusted her or gave her chance to tell him?? This question dig in his heart while thinking about her.

After sometime

He is working on his laptop when khushi came  with his breakfast

K.  Your breakfast she whispers keeping in front of her.  He lift up his eyes and gaze over her with his brownish eyes..  her face is showing that how much she is tired and how much she has been cried for last night.. her puffy and swollan eyes describing everything

K. You finish your breakfast till then ill make your  clothes ready.. she murmur and went towards cupboard to get his clothes

Arnav turned and saw her doing his work silently without making any noice.. being present in room she is still absent...now she no longer piss him off. She just stays silent and live in her own world where maybe he played the role of beast.. in start of marriage she had tried to change him by teasing him and fighting for small small things.. but then suddenly everything changed and she started keeping herself away from him.  She  started sleeping outside where he had given her little place .. she does all work which he says to her.she doesn't say anything in return if he insults her or hurt her .. sometime if she get any cut on her body that time as well she doesnt hiss infect she swallow her pain like nothing happened.. her dark circle showing that she don't sleep.. her lost smiles describes how much she has lost herself and that also because of him but being knowing everything he is still hurting her and wanted to do more so that he could make her repent for her deeds.

After readying his clothes she moves towards her not in good condition bag and took out curled up dress which she had been shoved before few days... yes when they had got married that time he didnt share anything with her nor even a corner of cupboard where she could keep her clothes .. her every damn thing is lying in the corner of garden which is her cage where she lives and breath.. after taking her dress she directly went outside to get bath in guest room washroom because he dont let her use washroom as well...in shot meanings she is just a show piece in his house who can increase the beauty of his house but cant make a specific space...

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