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At night

Arnav lay down on the bed and feel so bad to seeing her sleeping on the soda curled up like a ball .. once he has slept on the sofa and whole week his back pain didnt go and she is sleeping like this is most comfortable place ever she slept over...  but maybe she slept on the floor from last 5 months and now she got habit to sleep like this.. and its all because of him he made her suffer that much that  her personality has changed and she does all those things which she never did in her life. He just sighs and got up moving towards her. He just set on the floor and caresses her face.  Tears started trickling from her eyes when he saw her week body ahe has lost her weight so much... and why won't she when she faced loads of hurdles and tension in her life.. whenever he think about past and his behaviour for seconds his soul leave his body and his breathing ger uneven...

Ar. I'm sorry khushi I'm so sorry.. he apologise dropping a linger kiss on her forehead..... khushi moves in her sleep and turns her face another side thrusting her face in sofa. .. arnav run his hand on her hair and got up from there...he so wanted to pick her up and wanna put her on the bed but then thinking about her behaviour and sleep he just dropped his idea and lay down on his bed. After tossing in fro somehow his eyes got heavy and ge slept hugging his pillow..

In morning..

Arnav open his eyes and  on first place he saw towards her sofa but he got confused when he didnt find her there..

Ar. Khushi he called her name slipping out of his bed and he started looking around to get her glimpse but he got confused when she is no where to seen. He check in bathroom but that is as well empty.. he huffs and run towards balcony but she is not there as well..  presuming she is not there he about to go when his eyes caught her standing in the garden  lost in her deep thoughts he excels in relief and immediately left his room grabbing his top..

Khushi he calls her name when he saw her looking at payal and akash who are sitting in the garden keeping head on each other. He sighs and slid his hand around her waist making her startled..

Ar. You should had wake me up right...i would had come with you.  Khushi closed her eyes and pushed him away giving him a nicest slap on his face grabbing attention of all people who were present in the garden..

K. Don't you dare to touch me ever.what you think about yourself ha  did you owened me or someone sold you to me whom you can use wherever you want.  I'm fuckin human being who has her own wishes and life but instead of understanding it you are just pulling me everyone without asking what i want and what not... I'm fed up from you and my life mr raizada.. why don't you understand that i wanna take breath freely i wanna  live my life which you have spare some. But you are just busy to keep me with you forever and you know i would had lived with you if you won't had loved me  but you are doing to satisfying your ownself and just tryingto free yourself from that burden which you have on your heart...

Ar. Its nothing like that..i i

K. No it is like that mr raizada... it is .. she sniffs wiping her nose..

K. You don't love me you love your ridhu who ditched you and when you realized she cheated you and i was innocent you couldn't see anyother way and you are compromising with me which i don't want. I want a person who could love me not that who is just doing compromise..

Ar. You are taking me wrong... i i do love you..

K. Really you  really do she spoke looking in his eyes finding any love. But there is guilt and sympathy only nothing else...

K. Let this finish soon smoothly then you can do whatever you want. You are free from all these  she shakes her head and left from there sobbing hard...

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