his help

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K.  I'm here for work which I've to do loads of and about you then go and enjoy with your friend. I don't want you to around me. Understand

Ar. But I'll get bore with them.  You know na I don't like these things.  Plz let me be with you. I promise I won't do any mistake and help you in everything

K. I don't need your help mr raizada. I can do alone.

Ar.but I wanna

  V. Hey Arnav Khushi when you people cAme

K. We cAme now.  By the way vikram can you take mr raizada with you. He is getting quite bore and I can't  keep him with me for whole time.

V.  I would love to Khushi but the thing is my resams gonna happens and about Scott and leena then they went to get  naina's dress so there is no one who could be with Arnav. So plz you keep him with you. I'm sure Arnav will be quite good to helping you in things. Isnt Arnav. He winks giving him clue what's he trying to do

Khushi. You people are useless like him. He will increase my work only nothing else

Ar.  I swear I won't

Khushi rolls her eyes and nods.

K. Fine here take this light and help to my work to hang them up.  I'll take care of this Side.

Ar. Ok.  He smiles at her and run towards work place after hearing her instructions.

V. Enjoy. He pet Khushi's back and left from there leaving her in confused state as why he said enjoy. She shrugged her thoughts and started hanging the lights. 

After sometime Khushi is still busy in hanging lights when Arnav cAme there.

Ar. It's done.

K.  Aaaaaa she got scared and slipped from the stool which made her directly landing in his arms

Ar. Are you ok she opens her eyes and saw Arnav is staring at her with concern eyes.   She just got lost in his brown eyes which conducted loads of love for her.  She try to figure out any of hate for her. But there is nothing but love in them. 

Ar.  Are you fine. Didn't you answer me Khushi.

K. I'm fine.  She immediately got down and shrugged her clothes. 

K. Who scares someone like this.  If I would had  fell down then. 

Ar. I'm always there to take care of you.

Khushi didn't speak and went in flashback where once she had fell down from the stool and being standing besides her he didn't try to hold her and let her hit the floor which hurted her arm but  he didn't care and left from there jumping over her. 

Ar. Where you lost Khushi.  Tell me what to do further

K. Huh nothing.  I'm ok. Can you go and check food area. If there is any mistake then let me know.  Arnav nods and left from there. Khushi sighs and wipe her tear which came out thinking about her past which was so dreadful because of this man who is pretending to sweet infront of her now.

L. Khushi what you doing here. Function gonna start and you should look beautiful

K. But work

L. It's done Khushi don't  worry about that. She held her hand and dragged her with him same happened with Arnav whom Scott took with him.  After sometime Arnav is Chatting with his friends when suddenly his heart beat got fast. He felt her some near him.  He smiles and follow the instructions of his heart and there she is standing looking splendid in greenl lehnga. He just got lost in her beauty.  His heart flutter to seeing his love looking like a fairy in this dress.  He always had dream to seeing her like this. She used to come in his sleepless night and used to make his night colourful with her beauty and presence.   Till she lived with him he don't think so she ever spend a day when she didn't cried. Always he made her sad which caused her in tears. But when he lost her.  He realised his mistake. And wanted to do all things which he wanted to do but he couldn't as it was so late and he had already lost her. His hands slowly traveled towards his cheek and he wipes his tears before someone see.

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