he dont trust her

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He about to touch her waist when a tight slap landed on his face making his cheek flush because of sudden pressure..

K. I've told you na i dont wanna dance with you then why are you forcing me ... she sobs moving back.as slap's voice echoed in hall All people attention went over them...

V. You bitch do you know what you did and whom you slapped.. you middle class he grabs her arm and pierced his nails in her soft skin making her moan in pain... she sobs and pushed him away stepping back

K. I said just stay away from me .. donr touch me again and again she hiccups rubbing her arm where he left marks

Mr k. What's happening here

V. Dad look at this bitch she has slapped your son. I just had asked her for dance but she rejected ans slapped me and pushed me as well...

Mr k. What is this miss anika... how can you do this to my son..arnav cup his face after hearing his son from his mouth. He is feeling so much angry on her because of her stupidy now he is sure that this deal gonna slip out from his hand..

K. He try to touch me that's why i slapped him. He he

Mr k. So what if he touched you.. he just asked you for dance neither he tried to rape you... though its not big deal for like you girls whose back ground is not that good so why are showing so much tantrums

K. You are elder to me thats why i respect you but thats doesn't mean you will raise finger on my character.. it would he happening in your family but im not like this understand.. she shout at him in threaten voice having thick tears in her eyes

Ar. Khushi he screams and pulled her harshly making her hiss in pain

Ar. Whats wrong with you khushi.. do you know what are you doing ... just say sorry to mr khurana right now

K. I didnt do anything arnav.. he was the one who tried to touch me..so he should say sorry to me neither me ... she hiccups infront of him to thinking might he will take her side but her assumption was wrong...he didnt take her side infect he forced her more to say sorry to him

Ar. I said say sorry to him khushi

K. I cant

Ar. You have to khushi... you have done mistake and for that you have to apologise... just do it right now he scream jolting her left and right

R. Leave her arnav she wont say sorry .. i know like those girls they does like these stuffs to get attention and she is doing as well..

Ar. She did mistake or not but still she has to say sorry..

R. Didnt you listen khushi say sorry to veer right now... dont you care about arnav's reputation...if today you didnt bend then he has to pay for it badly.. khushi didnt speak and bent head down crying silently

R. I dont think so she will say anything arnav infect i think she wants to do your humiliation. that's why deliberately she slapped him. How bitch she is.. arnav look at khushi and shake her making her scare hell out of her

Ar. Didnt you feel full after spoiling my life that now you are trying to drown my reputations in mud... i just feeling like to remove that day when you came in my life i dont knkw when ill get rid of you.

K. Arnav i was just (hiccups)

Ar. Just shut up and say sorry to veer right now right here...

K. I

Ar. Just say sorry khushi ...

K..im sorry she whispered and welled up in tears being si helpless

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