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In rm

Arnav Khushi enters and found all family members are sitting in the hall being worried

N. Chote. Her eyes twinkle when she saw him infront of her she goes near him and hugged him

N. Thank god you cAme back chote. I was thinking about you only

Ar. What happened nani. Why you people seems worried

N. Anjali betiya condition had been got Ditro. Doctor had cAme and he said there is no chances left for her conscious. She cry hugging him

Ar. It's can't happens nani. He has to make my Di alright. I've faith she gonna be fine and gonna call me chote.

N. Im praying same thing chote. I just want her perfect fit and fine.

Ar. I'm going to meet my Di. He throw his bag away and left to see his Di.

N. Khushi betiya are you fine.

K. Yes nani Ji. I'm fine. She smiles at her holding her hand

N. You would be tired by journey so go and take some rest.

K. No Nani I'm fine. Now rest doesn't bother me

N. Means

K. Means nothing nani ji. You just take care of yourself and don't take stress. She smiles and walked out from there after greeting all family members.

In room

Khushi is sitting on edge of window when payal cAme there.

P. Khushi.

K. Jiji she called her name finding her in her room ups arnav's room

P. Khushi why you people cAme back early. I thought he gonna come back after getting his so called love.

K. He couldn't marry her jiji. She was a cheater.

P. What

K. hm she was with him for money that's it. For once I felt bad for him but then I just kept myself aside to thinking it's his personal matter and I shouldn't interfere in it. Tho he is nothing but a stranger to me with whom I've to live more one and helf month.and after that he will be nothing but will be a Unknown person who got nothing to me. Anyways I've to make coffee for him. He got headache in plane. Saying this she walked out from there leaving her behind having tears.

P. Why you are like this Khushi. She sobs.

At night Khushi is making bed for him when he enters inside with dull face. He look at her and silently set on the bed thinking deep. Khushi didn't say anything and continued her work.
Ar. You would be happy to seeing me Being betray.

K. I'm not happy for anything mr Arnav singh raizada. I know that how you feel when someone hurt you and make you feel miserable. So stop your shitty talk with me I don't wanna hear anything. She throw the blanket and left from there in anger.

Like this 1 month passed and In those days nothing change cAme. Arnav is same with Khushi. He didn't change a bit. He always does which come in his mind. He don't see what she will feel if he will keep continuing to hurt her. Today is pleasant day and he is feeling something restless. So without thinking twice he left the office to see if something happened in his house or it's just illusion.

In rm

Khushi is walking in corridor when suddenly Shayam come infront of her and blocked her way

K. What you want

S. You. He smirk

K. Just shut the fuck up. I don't want you around me.

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