she fainted

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Arnav is getting restless when khushi didnt come in room.. he look at rhe watch and bite his nails trying to calm himself but nothing worked and his tension ia increasing

Ar. This girl is heading on my nerves.. its been 2 hours she has gone for bath and till now she didnt come back...i think i should check her .. he throw his phone ob recliner and left to see her ...

Ar. Khushi where ar..... but he  stopped when he saw her laying on the floor unconscious with nose bleeding in devastated condition

Ar. Khushi he screams and  run towards her with heavy steps. 

Ar. Khushi khushi what happened he took her in his arms and pet her cheek but she didnt move a bit and laying  in his arms hanging her head one side

Ar. Khushi open your eyes baby ... its not funny just get up now.  Look if you wont then I'll surely take your all alloo puri and will eat it alone..he shakes her again and again but to his disappointment she didnt even blink her eyes ..

Ar  kuch nhi ho ga. I wont let anything happens.. im here na ill take care of u ..

He scoop her in his arms and left for hospital

In hospital

Arnav is walking around restlessly when doctor came out

Ar. Doctor hows is my wife .. is she ok  what happened to her. Why she fainted like this. Doctor answer me whats wrong... why you are not speaking anything

Do. Relax mr raizada.. your wife is fine.. its just she didnt take her tablets that's why she got fainted.

Ar .tablets?

Do. She is fighting with depression... its on second stage... arnav stumble back after hearing him. He never thought that he will hurt someone till extand that he will fell in depression

Ar.  You are joking right

Do. No mr raizada.. its truth... your wife is depression patient.. she is taking tablets for that...

Ar. She didnt tell me about all this

Do.  I think its your personal matter but being her husband you should had know about it. But unfortunately you dont.. but there is still chances to safe her .. just try to keep her happy all pain which she is burying inside her try to take it out and try to know what she is hiding and what she js bearing.. take her in some fresh air means different place might its worked.. and still if she couldn't then I'm sorry it will get hard for us to safe her.. you know what i mean he said patting his back

Tears started trickling from her eyes.. how can he do this to poor  soul. Whenever she try to share words with him. He just cursed her only nothing else.. he never tried to understand her and always  shout at her only.. today he is understanding what she would be going through when he used to say all those to her.she was a masoom little girl and today he led her towards death where she just wanna leave him and dont wanna come back..

Do. Mr raizada you can take your wife at home...

Ar. Ok thank you he murmur and left to get her

In ward

His heart broke when he saw her fragile body. She is looking so pale and weak. Its feeling like someone has pullef out her blood from body ...
She is nothing but looking a corpse who dont have any life in it. He sobs and set besides her holding her hand

Ar. Im sorry im so sorry  he sobs keeping his lips on her hand still tucking his eyes on her face.

Ar. I curse myself when i did that to you.. i should had inquiry about it might today you wont had been in thid condition.. its all my fault my mistake.. how fool im who was running behind shit leaving a gem behind.. everytime whenever i faced problem you solved it but in end i always hurted you only nothing sin is not forgivable i know that i wont apologise as well.. but i want you become like before.. i want you to do all antics which you used to do before our marriage.. such a dog I'm.  Who pulled out your soul. God will never forgive me neither you... he  cried hard  thrusting his face in her palm

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