living with her

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In car

Both are sitting silently.  Neither they share any words with them nor they tried to do it. But Arnav is just time to time tucking his eyes on her face which is so stern and dull.  He can't believe she is same Khushi who was so shy and nerd and now look at her she is totally opposite with different look and different  way of talking. When he saw her first time he felt like his world has been stopped on one placed seeing her after two years was like a shock for him. He didn't expect her here. But maybe god had another planning and he landed up here to meet her. But he is happy so much happy and praying to god to not snatch her again from him otherwise it will be last string for him to being alive.  

K. We have been reached.  She stopped the car in parking and cAme out grabbing her bag.  Arnav smiles to seeing her small house which is actually pretty

K. Shall we leave or you wanna stand here.

Ar. No no let's go let's go. He smiles and went inside with her. He looks around and found it different the way he thought. He  thought might stars will welcome him along with chilli lights and different type of accessories which Khushi likes but there is nothing sort of things.  

Ar. Your house is beautiful. 

K. Thank you.   Anyways if you wanna eat anything then get it from fridge and about your room then it's in left side.  So you can fix your luggage there hmm saying this she about to go when he held her hand making her stop on her track.

Ar. Are you ok Khushi.  

Khushi remove his hand from her arm and turned giving him stern look

K. I'm more than fine mr raizada.  You don't worry.  Anyways I'm hell tired and wanna sleep so can you plz leave my hand

Ar. Huh yh  you can go.   He gave her smile and unwillingly left her hand.  Khushi gave him straight look and   Claimed on the stairs. Arnav kept his bag aside and started analysing her house.  He  is feeling so much happy to seeing her again. He never thought that he will ever meet her in his life but still he met and today he is standing in her house being her guest. People says right. World is rounded and somehow you land infront of that person whom you wanted to meet desperately.  

Ar. This time I won't let you go Khushi he whispered caressing her photo which was laying on the table. He is lost in his thoughts when he felt her presence behind her

Ar. You didn't sleep. Khushi got confused to  finding him get to know about her without giving her a glance.

K. No  I mean to say I was hungry so thought to eat something.  Arnav turns and got awww to seeing her looking cute in her night dress

Ar.  Yh you did great. I'm going to change my clothes and then we will do dinner together.  Khushi nods and left towards kitchen and he itself hurriedly  claimed on the stairs to get in his comfy clothes.  After sometime he comes down and saw her sitting on the dining table eating her dinner

Ar. I'm sorry I've got late little

K. It's ok never mind.

Ar.  What is for eat.

K.  pasta she said placing plate infront of him. 

Arnav happily grabs it and started eating it.  One thing is there which made him delight and that is her hand taste which is exactly same and didn't change a bit.

Ar. Your hand taste is same like two years back. I really missed it. He smiles stuffing loads of pasta in his mouth.  Khushi stopped eating and look at his face with angry look. 

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