hugs and kisses

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K. Arnav slipped from her hand  seeing him after long two years.  Tears started coming out from her eyes.   A gasp appeared from her mouth not avle to believe on her  eyes

Arnav move towards her with slow steps and held her hand with shivery palms.

Ar.  Tum yaha thi.  He caresses her hand looking deep in her eyes.

K. Ha I was here.  She  chocked feeling like throwing herself in his arms and cry heart out.

Ar.  I missed you soo much Khushi.

Khushi didn't speak snd keep looking at him tip to toe. He has been changed so much . She never thought that he will be ever like this. His every kind of thing has changed. That pride and ego which he was carrying in his eyes all gone  away and they  are just carrying love in his eyes for her . 

K.  Ap theek ho.

Ar. Ab theek hoo. He smiles in tears   Adoring her face. 

V. Come let's go guys let them be with each other. All nods and left from there leaving them alone.

Ar. Tum  theek ho.  Khush ho na Khushi.

K.  No she sobs in nodding no throwing herself in his arms.

Arnav exhales getting his breath back after feeling her  so close to him. He wrapped his arms towards her and twirl her around crying like anything. All people are just looking at them but they didn't care and just busy to  feeling each other so close.

Ar. I missed you Khushi. I missed you sooo much

K. I missed youuuuu toooo she hiccups keep hugging him. Arnav try to break the hug but she nods no and kept hugging him.   Arnav just feeling like his life has came back in his body.  He missed her so much. Every day he felt like he should meet her see her  feel her once but always he ended up finding himself alone and then cried heart out. His room his house his own heart was always belong to her. They always remind her about her and her presence.  He don't think so he ever spent a minute when he didn't remember her.   But today he got her. He got his life back. Without her nothing was seemed good to him. Everything was so colourless and meaningless to him. He was Just a lifeless body who was  surviving without his jaan. 

He cups her face and peck her cheek chin forehead nose head eyes everywhere and again pull her in his tight hold.

K. Muja yaha nhi Rehna. I wanna go home.  She sobs  hiding her face in his neck

V.  Guys I think you should go home.  Khushi take him in your own apartment.  And don't you dare Arnav go without  attending my wedding.   Ha.  I want you both together. Ha.

Arna. Chala. He peck her hand and walked out from there.  

In car.

He tie her seat belt carefully and smiling continuously feeling so much happiness. 

K. Kya huva.  She giggle

Ar.  I can't tell how much I'm happy Khushi.  He said caressing her Face with his thumb.khushi closed her eyes feeling his touch after so many days. 

Ar.  Chala. He set in the car and drove away from there along with her. 

In apartment

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