His anger

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Khushi shakes her head to seeing him.that person who was pampering her before few minutes now standing hugging his x. That's why she don't believe him. She knows he will again get change and she will left being in pain. So It's better to stay away from him. He don't worthy her. He is just a selfish jerk who thinks about himself no one else.  For him she is doll whom with he wanna play for certain time and then leave her  like he never liked her before. 

Arnav who  is feeling irritating being in her arms. He pushed her shrugged his clothes feeling so much dirty

Ar. What the fuck you are doing woman.  Why are you clinging over.

Ri. What Happened baby. You are behaving like you never hugged me before.  Infect we were more intimate than this

Ar. O cut the crap. I was fool who came in your trap.   But thank god ive got safe from you. Otherwise if I would marry you then definitely  my life would had been spoiled. Now just get out from here. I don't wanna see you infront of my eyes.  Saying this he turns and about to go when he stopped to seeing Khushi standing infront of him looking at them

Ar. Khushi.

K. I'm I'm sorry for disturbing you. Actually I cAme to call you. It's time to leave.

Ar. Khushi I need to talk to you

K. But I don't wanna do

R. O wow mrs raizada is also here. But how come you both are together as I had heard you both are separated

K. You are right. We are separated. You can get together with him again. I don't mind about that. Arnav I'm going. If you want you can come or you can say on your wish. Saying this she walked out from there following Arnav who glares ridhima and left behind Khushi

In car

Both are silent when Arnav spoke

Ar. I need to talk to you

K. What you wanna say

Ar. There was nothing true which you saw at venue. I don't know from where she cAme and clinge over me. I didn't have any idea of her presence.

K. Why are you giving me explanation. I didn't ask you for that

Ar. But I wanna give. I don't want any other misunderstanding between us

K. I don't think so we share any strong relationship for that misunderstanding will born between us.

Arnav get quite and sigh in defeat.

K. So have you plan about your marriage when you are doing

Ar. I don't need to get married I'm already in relationship with someone.

K. O but you will married her right.

Ar. Why I've need to marry her when I'm already married

K. Look I've already told you. I'm not gonna come with you. Our relationship has finished that day only when you didn't trust me. A trust only keep a relation strong but you broke that only.

Ar. I didn't break it. You were the one who left me. And wanted to spend your life far away from me. I did my best to seek my forgiveness But you didn't do in end I let you go.

K. So did you left any choice me me did you

Ar. I'm I'm sorry khushi how many time I've to say you. I've regretted for two whole years and couldn't even get sleep because of guilt. Every night I've cried for you. I felt like to get you some how and cry like anything hugging you. But you were not there. You didn't come back. Plz Khushi I'll die without you. Why don't you understand.

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