Sudden appearance

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I know some people would be confused as I've deleted the last chap which I had updated even that promo. Bcz I don't know what got in me and I wrote that but now story will go with different plot which will be totally opposite of that previous promo. I hope you people won't have any problem with That 😁.

In London.

A girl is shown doing some work on laptop when someone comes and kissed her cheek.

Urg vikram how many times I've told you don't kiss me on the cheek. I feel irritation.

V. What to do you are so cute Khushi and I can't resist myself.  

K. Whatever. Now tell me what you got here. 

V. I'm not alone. Our all Friends are here. Infect naina. 

K.  And I think you people would be planning to go out along with me isn't

V. Yes you are right.   What's say people he said looking at his Friends who come and set on her table surrounding her.

K. You guys don't have any other work that all people have gathered in here in my office. You know na how much work I've regarding this monkey's marriage.

V. I'm not monkey he pout

K. But your antics are.

Leena. We knows you are a work holic person who don't wanna leave her work on second day and all. But it's too much Khushi.  Sometime we should enjoy our life. You know what I mean

K.  I've enough enjoyed my life and then got into reality which  gave me a greatest lesson. She said thinking about Arnav having moist eyes.

Sco.  Can we stop being sad. I feel so irritation when someone's cry. Guys today is Sunday and you know na towns get close by four o clock here. So get up we should leave now. 

K.   What do you mean , are you people cAme to take me for shopping

Naina. Yes darling bcz we want our friend looks marvellous in party

K. But guys it's your school party what I'll do there

V. Which we will do. Of course chill out.

K. You people we mad. I'm not going there.

V. I think we have to do this Scott. He winks while saying to him

S. As you wish. I'm ready to carry this cherry. He laughs and lift her up in his arms

S. Girls get her bags and coat.

K. Put me down Scott she Wriggle in his arms hitting his shoulder

S. Na I won't. All laugh and got out of the office.

In car

Khushi is sitting having grumpy face while all her friends are looking at her cute expression

Naina. Chill Khushi. It's ok.leena will help you in preparation

L.  Yes I'm ever ready to do it

K.  You people are impossible

V. I know know. Now cheer up and let's get in the shopping

K. You are worse than  girls vikram. I'm sure you have loads of suits than mine

Naina.  Of course he has. She giggle.

V.  being classy and Trendy is not bad.  What's say Scott.

S yh right he said parking their car in parking area

L. Let's go.  Both girls held Khushi's hand and went inside of mall for gearing up their shopping

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