Chapter Sixteen: Honesty

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[Author's Note]

Since it's Christmas, I thought to update once more to somehow give back to my readers as thanks for staying even though it took me some time to continue ❤️ I really appreciate it very much, you guys. Merry Christmas and keep safe!


I hastily tried to stand despite the protests of my body to at least be able to assist Rengoku in any way. The flame hashira merely smiled at me, before turning to face the demon once more, whose eyes seemed to glare daggers at us. The demon's aura was different now - more powerful yet there was a sense of desperation, most likely due to my blood.

Rengoku made it look easy - fighting a demon of such level. But then again, he was a hashira, and have had lots of experience prior to this one. I did my best to observe his moves and strategy in battle while helping him to the best of my ability to dodge the demon's attacks and keep Rengoku from being injured like me.

"Where's Shinazugawa-san?" he asked sternly, all the while battling the demon.

I was able to cut one of the demon's hands off before responding to him, "Probably back at the inn. It's not his fault, I'll explain everything later."

Rengoku didn't respond, and the room was quiet aside from the sounds of battle and the occasional groans of Akito.

"It's almost over, you don't have to worry about anything," Rengoku said after a few moments, and just as I was about to respond, Akito smirked and ran at full speed towards the door. For a moment we thought that he was going to escape - we were about to give chase until he came back inside with an unconscious Akari.

"One move from either of you and she's history," Akito said in a low tone, his hand poised at the woman's neck.

Rengoku and I both stopped in our tracks, and I couldn't help but think how low he would stoop to get what he wants. My reaction must have been evident on my face since I heard Rengoku say, "They're demons, [Y/N], they will resort to every possible method just to attain what they want, which in this case, is you."

I steadied my breath as I kept my gaze focus in front of me before answering, "Would baiting him once more using my blood work? He might let her go if I do."

He was silent for a moment before responding, "No. Though I'm sure that in his current state, he'd really chase after you, I'm worried about what he'd do to you once he gets hold of you. We can't risk it. Besides, I don't mean any offense but you're in no running nor fighting form for that matter."

As much as that hurt my pride, Rengoku was right. I had just hit my head, there was a large gash on my left shoulder, and I'm convinced that my lower back and legs had several bruises. I'm pretty sure I was merely running on adrenaline now, otherwise, my body would have given up already.

"What's taking you so long to decide?" Akito sneered, and at the moment he really did look more demon than human, like he did just a while ago.

Rengoku glanced at me sideways and motioned for me to keep still. As much as I'd like to ask what was going on, I didn't want to do anything rash.

"Breath of wind, sixth form, black wind mountain mist."

Rengoku pulled me back and we narrowly avoided the tornado of slashes that came bursting through the door. Then Rengoku was gone - the moment Akito dropped Akari on the ground, he immediately went for the kill and decapitated the demon.

After a sickening thud on the ground, the battle was over.

Rengoku sheathed his sword before turning to face the wind hashira, who was positioned by the doorway, as he said, "You're late."

Sanemi's eyes searched the room, and, upon seeing my figure, strode over to where I was. His eyes scanned me from head to toe, his facial expression hardening upon seeing my bloodied clothes.

"Can you stand?" Sanemi asked softly, and I could sense his hesitation to reach out to me.

Against my better judgment, my face flamed, especially since Rengoku was standing just a few meters away.

The flame hashira cleared his throat, and Sanemi looked annoyed as he turned to face Rengoku before responding, "I had a hell of a time finding her-" Sanemi stopped for a second before continuing, "this place."

Rengoku walked over to our direction as he said, "I knew I should've been the one to..", trailing off when he saw me shake my head gently, not wanting him to put the blame on Sanemi.

"Let's go back to the inn first," Rengoku suggested with a sigh of resignation before striding out, with the kakushi entering the place to take care of the rest.


"I'm still curious as to how and why you're here, Rengoku-san," I asked while Sanemi was busy treating my wounds, having insisted on it. Rengoku and I told him that the kakushi could handle it, but just as before, he said that he could do it himself, and that it was his job.

Rengoku contemplated on it for a while before he answered, "I'm on my way to a mission myself and I happened to pass by. [Y/N]-san, I saw your crow circling the area - they don't often do that unless trouble's nearby."

I could only nod in understanding, occasionally wincing as Sanemi disinfected and bandaged my left shoulder. He had already bandaged my head as well, and thankfully, the throbbing dulled after a few moments.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" Sanemi asked, lifting my arms and checking for any more signs of blood or bruises.

Rengoku stayed quiet, though he seemed to be observing the interaction between me and Sanemi, before he finally asked the million-dollar question, "How did it end up with [Y/N] trapped with that demon and you coming in late, having to find her? Weren't you two together?"

Sanemi stopped his ministrations and glanced at me, our eyes meeting briefly, unsure of what we should say. But as it was, I refused to let Rengoku jump to conclusions and pin the blame on Sanemi.

"It was my fault," Sanemi and I said in unison. Once more, we looked at each other incredulously, not expecting the other to say anything at all.

Rengoku merely raised an eyebrow at this, and I suddenly felt as though he were my real older brother interrogating us about our relationship. I gently touched Sanemi's arm, and his gaze immediately went to where my hand was resting on his.

"We had a misunderstanding. The unconscious woman earlier - Akari, tricked Sanemi into coming with her to the hot spring saying that I'd be harmed if he didn't follow, so he had no choice. And...when I saw him together with Akari by accident, I let my feelings get the best of me and didn't give him a chance to explain what was going on."

I glanced apologetically at Sanemi, who was looking straight ahead at Rengoku. I squeezed his arm gently, but he still didn't pay any attention to me. Taking a deep breath, Sanemi then said, "I was insensitive to [Y/N]'s feelings. Had I been in her position, I'm damn sure I would've done worse."

Upon hearing what he said, I couldn't help but gaze at him in wonder. Sanemi had always been honest - brutally honest at times, even. It was then that he met my gaze, and I felt my heartbeat race at the intensity of his stare.

Rengoku suddenly spoke up, interrupting my train of thought, as he said, "Looks like you two have things sorted out. I'm off to my mission now," he paused to stand up before he continued, "[Y/N], I hope I'll see you in better shape next time. And Shinazugawa-san, take better care of her."

Without waiting for us to respond, Rengoku gave a small wave before heading out the door. Unknown to Sanemi and myself, Rengoku actually had a smile on his face as he stepped out of the inn. He then said to no one in particular, "Looks like I had nothing to worry about after all."

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