Chapter Eighteen: Into Your Arms

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Unbeknownst to [Y/N], Sanemi had heard what she said - it took everything he had not to react out of fear that she would retract what she said if [Y/N] knew that he'd heard it. And so, he waited for quite some time until he was sure that she was truly asleep, before he smiled genuinely, stroking the delicate sleeping features of the girl in front of him.

"I feel the same way, [Y/N]."


I knew I was dreaming the moment I saw the lake- it was the last place Sanemi and I had been to as a couple. Sanemi was sitting down on a small clearing just beside the lake, with his feet dangling in the water. As though he was able to sense me, he turned to face me then motioned that I sit down beside him. I nodded as I smiled back at him, before gracefully sitting down by his side, and I found myself asking, "We're back here, Sanemi. Brings back a lot of memories, don't you think?"

He smiled genuinely - which was rare of him, as he answered, "So it would seem."

I found myself unable to look away from the white-haired male, saying in almost a whisper, "You know, you never really told me why we broke up," I paused to glance back at the calm waters of the lake before I continued, "I wanted to tell you that I still love you."

There were a few moments of silence before Sanemi covered my hand tentatively with his, as he answered, "I feel the same way, [Y/N]."

And that was when I woke up.

Naturally, I wasn't in a good mood. To add to that, I woke up to an empty futon - Sanemi was nowhere to be seen. I carefully sat up flinching as I felt my shoulder hurt once more, before looking around the room.

"Where could he have gone?" I heard myself say softly, before noticing that it was raining heavily outside, which was probably why I woke up.

Just as I was about to go out into the corridor to look for him, the door had swung open, revealing a wet Sanemi who probably got caught in the rain seeing as he was wet from head to toe.

I quickly went into the restroom and grabbed a towel for him, motioning for the male to sit down on the floor so I could dry his hair for him.

"What happened? Where have you been?" I asked him worriedly as I continued with my ministrations, not wanting Sanemi to get sick.

In response, Sanemi held out a small container, and I paused to look at him curiously.

"The hell are you staring at for? Just open it," Sanemi said in his usual tone before grabbing the towel from my hand, drying out his hair himself.

Having no other choice, I opened the container he gave me, and couldn't help but smile upon seeing sticks of colored dango inside. I felt myself blush and couldn't bring myself to look at him for a few seconds out of embarrassment, becoming unaware that Sanemi had actually smiled upon seeing my reaction.

Finally having the courage to glance at him, I teasingly said, "My dear husband, how would you like to be fed by your adorable wife?"

At this, Sanemi stopped what he was doing as he shot back, "Adorable? I'm the only one who's fucking adorable around here."

I playfully hit him with my left arm, causing me to lose my balance since I was in a half-sitting, half-kneeling position in front of Sanemi. I tried to use my right hand to steady myself for balance but failed since I was holding the dango with it. Having no other choice, I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact I expected, but never came.

"Don't worry, I got you," I heard Sanemi's voice comfort me, and I opened my eyes slowly to find our faces merely inches away from each other. His right arm held me by my waist as his left hand caught my right - where I held the dango tightly, not wanting it to fall to the floor.

"Only you would choose to let yourself fall if it meant not letting go of your favorite snack," Sanemi said in a low tone, his gaze not letting go of mine.

I swallowed nervously as I said in rebuttal, "I wouldn't prefer to let any precious dango go to waste, especially if you risked getting sick just to get them for me."

I saw Sanemi's eyes widen at this, before noticing that his gaze went to my lips as he murmured, "If you don't stand at all within three seconds, I won't be able to stop myself."

I found myself unable to move, unable to break away from his arms.

"Three," Sanemi started to count, and I didn't make any attempt to make any sort of movement at all.

I smirked at him teasingly as I said, "You know what, you're taking too long," and then I placed my lips on his, closing my eyes in the process. Sanemi met me halfway, his left hand moving to cup the back of my head, drawing me closer to him.

Our bodies were pressed up against each other's, and I clung to him as though he were my lifeline. Sanemi held me securely, his arms wrapped around my body. I was broken out of my reverie when I felt him gently bite my lower lip - I ended up dropping my dango on the floor out of surprise.

I heard Sanemi chuckle softly, pulling away just a bit to say, "I'm glad that at the very least, I have enough effect on you to forget your precious dango."

"That's because you caught me entirely by surprise!" I answered as I glanced at my fallen dango, before looking at Sanemi once more. I tried to look as reprimanding as possible, though I'm sure I only looked as threatening as a bunny.

Sanemi brought me back in his warm embrace, and I felt his warm breath against my ear as he said, "I'll get you more of those damned sweets later, won't you pay attention to me first?"

My face reddened once more as I processed what Sanemi had just said. He was acting so cute that I couldn't help but pinch his cheek lightly, getting an annoyed response from Sanemi who gently swatted my hand away.

"Oi, quit fucking pinching!" Sanemi said in his usual tone, making me laugh out loud. It was easily one of the moments when I forget about everything else and just enjoy the moment - and I hope Sanemi felt the same way.

Caressing the offended cheek of the male who was partly under me, I teased, "Does it still hurt, Nemi?" using the nickname I had for him from when I met him.

Sanemi glared at me as he nodded before pointing at his cheek once more, "Do something about it."

I tilted my head in confusion, before finally getting what he meant. Just as I was about to kiss his cheek, I whispered playfully, "One dango stick for every kiss."

Sanemi merely sighed in resignation, preparing to get up as he replied, "Wait here, I'll buy the whole damn store."

[Author's Note]

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this (somewhat filler) chapter! We're actually nearing the end of the story now, I'm estimating there's more or less about three to five chapters left. I'll do my best to update as soon as I can :D Keep safe everyone and happy new year!

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