Chapter Three: Conflict

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Sanemi and I stood still by the corridor as he read through the contents of the document a few more times. I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I sighed and said, "For all I know, that's just a high-class imitation, Sanemi. Give it up already."

He shook his head and retorted, "You said so yourself that it doesn't look like an imitation."

"I know what I said! But then again, I've never even seen a real marriage certificate, you know. I wouldn't really know what the original one looks like," I told him as I closed my eyes in frustration at the white-haired male.

Sanemi stood stiffly, still silent, as if waiting for some sort of divine intervention. Unfortunately for him, it's not happening anytime soon.

"You're right. Besides, if Oyakata-sama said that we'll only be pretending to be married, then I doubt that the document was a real one," Sanemi finally said after a few moments.

I nodded at him in response, and I was glad that we finally agreed on something, but on the other hand, I was too scared to say what was on my mind, though it was better that I say it sooner than later, especially since it has been bothering me since the meeting.

"Sanemi, do you really detest the thought of being married to me that much?" I asked carefully after a few seconds of thinking, glancing at his profile in the process to gauge his reaction.

Sanemi folded the document neatly and placed it inside one of his pockets before answering, "We've broken up, [Y/N]. As of now, it's fucking detestable to get married to someone I didn't choose."

The words stung, and I felt myself slowly go numb. I could only look at the floor to hide the pain that I was sure was evident on my face. But then again, I had expected that sort of answer - especially from Sanemi.

In a moment of rage, I shot back, "Maybe it would've been better if Oyakata-sama had chosen Rengoku-san to be my 'husband' for this mission instead."


As soon as I got to my room, I sat down on the floor and did my best to prevent the tears that threatened to spill, to no avail. Sanemi's words were harsh, and I figured that it could only mean that he really did want me out of his life, for good.

That might be easy for him to do, but not for me, especially since I've had feelings for him ever since I joined the demon slayers a little over a year ago. It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but more like love at first fight.

Sanemi was the type to always yell and scream, though it was just that he had difficulty conveying the fact that he cared. And that was exactly why we fought then - I had insisted on joining Tanjiro, Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Nezuko on a mission despite the fact that I was still heavily injured. He had threatened to carry me over his shoulder and take me back to the butterfly estate. When I had adamantly refused, he did exactly what he had said he would do.

At the memory, my chest constricted painfully, and I gave myself a few seconds to calm myself down. There was no point in reminiscing memories, after all.


Twenty minutes later, I had finished packing a few of my clothes in a small bag, as well as the basic necessities. As if on cue, I heard a knock on my door, revealing Mitsuri and Shinobu when I opened it.

"[Y/N]! We'll miss you terribly!" Mitsuri exclaimed as she went in for a hug, which I gladly returned.

"Take care of yourselves, okay?" I told them softly, despite being the youngest of us three. It was always a habit of mine to take care of other girls, as they reminded me of the siblings that I lost.

Shinobu sighed and patted my head as she said, "You take care on this mission, [Y/N]. Shinazugawa-san's kind of....out of it a while ago. It's like his head was up in the clouds."

"Like Tokitou-san!" Mitsuri supplied energetically with a nod.

A sigh unconsciously slipped from my lips as I told them, "Well...a while ago...I had asked him if he really didn't want to marry me, and he said that he found it detestable to marry someone who wasn't his choice."

Mitsuri and Shinobu looked aghast, as if they couldn't believe it. Shinobu massaged her temples before saying, "If only you saw how he looked like when Rengoku-san volunteered to take his place. He seemed as if he could take on one of the twelve demon moons right at that moment."

"Probably because he didn't want Rengoku-san to outshine him. You know how Sanemi is. He's always so competitive," I told them as I shrugged casually.

Shinobu and Mitsuri glanced worriedly at each other, but we were interrupted when one of Kagaya's children informed us that Sanemi and the others were already waiting for us at the common room.

I smiled at the two girls one more time before I slung the small bag over my shoulder and wore my nichirin sword on my left and whispered, "Here goes nothing," as we filed out of the room.


Sanemi was talking to Kagaya, and he visibly straightened when he saw us coming. Kagaya glanced up from his sitting position and smiled warmly at me as he said, "Do take care on this mission, the two of you. And take care of each other as well."

I didn't dare look at Sanemi, but nodded at Kagaya's words with a soft smile, feeling grateful to him.

"We promise to get back here in one piece soon, Oyakata-sama," I told him with a respectful bow.

Sanemi bowed from beside me and said, "Take care of yourself too, Oyakata-sama. We'll be back as soon as we can."

The other pillars also said their goodbyes to us, and I glanced back at the two female hashiras who looked evidently worried. Uzui and Rengoku took turns in hugging me, which left me with a feeling of reassurance, as I've always seen the two of them as my elder brothers.

"Come back safely. Don't kill each other along the way," Iguro said with a lazy wave of his hand.

"Stay safe, everyone!" I told them before Sanemi and I started walking down the road until the headquarters disappeared from our line of sight.

[Author's Note]

Hi guys! Please do look forward to the following chapters because I promise that they'll be exciting!

Thank you and have a nice day ahead!

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