Chapter Ten: A Moment of Honesty

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My eyes widened in surprise and I very nearly froze at the sudden contact, before letting myself go with the flow. Rational thoughts be damned - his kisses were one of the things that I missed about him. I closed my eyes and placed a hand on his cheek as I responded to his kiss, and I didn't know if I pulled him closer or he did - at this point, I no longer cared.

I really missed him too damned much to think about anything else anyway.

We pulled apart a few seconds later, and I felt my cheeks grow hot when it finally dawned on me that we had actually kissed despite having broken up.

I stole a glance at Sanemi and saw that he was looking the other way, but it didn't get past me that his whole face was as red as a tomato.

He looked so cute that I couldn't hold back a chuckle, and Sanemi turned to face me and almost yelled, "What the fuck's so funny, huh?"

"You, Sanemi. You look so adorable," I answered automatically, earning another glare from him, making me laugh lightly.

My happiness was short-lived though, as I began coughing immediately after, but Sanemi was instantly by my side holding a glass of water. I gratefully accepted it and took small sips, before handing the glass back to him.

"Such a dutiful husband, my Sanemi," I told him with a genuine smile on my face, and he shot back, "I'll continue treating your wounds, and as I said, remove your yukata already."

"I refuse!"


Apparently, Sanemi and I were arguing to the extent that a female staff had heard us, and she offered to treat my wounds in Sanemi's stead. However, my husband wouldn't allow such a thing, though I insisted that I would let the female staff help me change into a clean yukata.

The obviously frightened girl left as soon as I was changed, and Sanemi closed the door after her with a sigh as he faced me and said, "She took her damn time doing it. If it were up to me, I would've had you changed in less than five minutes."

I arched an eyebrow at him and playfully teased, "Ah, of course. You're so experienced in undressing girls, aren't you?"

Sanemi actually looked offended as he answered, "Believe it or not, I've never done anything like that in my lifetime. Quit getting me confused with Uzui."

I crossed my arms over my chest as I asked him, "Sanemi...why didn't you let the staff treat my wounds instead? It would've saved you the trouble of doing so."

I mean, he was so adamant in telling the staff that he'd do it himself, coming from someone who seemed to didn't want to be near me just two days ago.

Sanemi was quiet for some time before he ran a hand through his hair and answered, "For some reason, it doesn't sit well with me that someone else gets to touch you so intimately."

I lifted a hand to cover the smile that threatened to form as I said, "Oh, so my husband is simply jealous."

He glared at me once more before he picked up some first aid supplies as he began to treat my wounds with great care as he said softly that it almost escaped me, "So it seems."

I don't think I can handle any more of Sanemi's surprises. It's almost as if we're back to the way we were before.

I simply watched Sanemi as he proceeded to cover my wounds with a clean gauze after disinfecting it, and my heart soared knowing that he was taking extra measures just to make sure that he wouldn't hurt me further.

"By the way, Sanemi...what does that make us?" I finally got the courage to ask the million dollar question, and he stopped in his ministrations before asking, "What do you mean?"

I shook my head softly as I said, "Don't act so innocent, you know...when you kissed me."

It was better that we were clear with everything now rather than feel like treading on thin ice later, and it was also infinitely better to get an explanation about why we broke up, though he seemed to be unwilling to open that conversation just yet.

"I don't know," he answered solemnly as he finished up with treating my wounds.

I merely nodded at him, not wanting to push him for now. Besides, he's not the only one who's currently confused. I tentatively moved my arms and legs, and though they hurt when I did, it was better than not being able to move it at all.

"You don't know? least tell me this, would you do it again?"

"Yes, despite my better judgment," came his definite response, and my cheeks turned into a lovely shade of red at once.

To hide my embarrassment, I told him, "Then let me treat your wound as well. As your wife, it's my job, isn't it?"

Sanemi actually smirked (and he looked so good as he did so) and retorted, "Why not let the staff do it?"

"Because just like you, my dear husband, I don't want to see anyone else touching you. Now, hand me the first aid kit already."


By the time we were done, it was already midnight. Sanemi had requested for another futon, which was immediately provided after the other staff saw my wounds, though they laid it right next to mine.

"How's the young girl doing?" I asked the innkeeper as she was about to leave.

"She's recovering well, madam, though she's currently sleeping. I'll notify you if she wakes up," the innkeeper answered before quickly leaving the room with a bow.

Her answer confused me, but I brushed it off as I felt my exhaustion catch up with me.

Sanemi positioned himself on the futon next to me, and we were both about to sleep just as I realized something.

"Did the innkeeper just say 'if she wakes up?' I'm starting to think that something's definitely wrong with this inn. Her demeanor might simply be a ruse to trick us," I said as I gently shook Sanemi's arm, my worry evident on my face.

Sanemi merely turned to face me and answered, "It's probably just your mind playing tricks on you, go to sleep already."

"But I really think-" I was interrupted when he suddenly pat my head gently before saying, "Trust me, [Y/N]."

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