Chapter Eleven: Heavy

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I found myself back at the butterfly mansion, exactly at the time when I was laying unconscious on the bed after almost being defeated by a demon. For some reason, I could see and hear everything clearly, despite the fact that my body was heavily bruised and covered in bandages.

I must be dreaming, I realized.

The door opened, revealing an obviously haggard Sanemi, who quickly knelt by my bedside before holding my hand in his. He kissed the back of my hand gently, before lowering his head, almost as if in prayer.

"I'm not dead yet, you idiot!" I wanted to yell at him, but when he raised his head, it was evident that he'd been crying.

'All of this while I was unconscious...great,' I sarcastically thought as I watched the scene in front of me unfold.

Sanemi enveloped my small hand in both of his large ones before cradling it carefully in his chest as he said, "I'm so sorry...I should've been there for you, [Y/N]. Please, come back to me. I don't care if you end up hating me, all I want is for you to be safe and happy."

'As if I could ever be happy without you, Sanemi,' I whispered, and at that moment, I wanted to hug him - to hold him close to me, especially at that moment.

A few moments later, Sanemi stood up and carefully placed my hand back at my side, before leaning close and kissing me on the forehead. He then wiped his tears and glanced back one more time, before finally leaving the room.

The moment I woke up, I had a heavy feeling in my heart that I couldn't shake off - and I had the urge to hug Sanemi tightly. I immediately turned to face Sanemi, only to find that his futon was already made, and that there was no sign of him in the room.

I sighed softly as I ran a hand through my hair, wondering if everything that happened last night was a dream. I lightly touched my lips, feeling that it was a little bit swollen more than usual, and couldn't fight the smile that formed.

'He may still want me, there may still be a chance...' I thought as I stretched my legs and arms, realizing that though my body ached, I could already start moving around.

I stood up from the futon and testily walked around the room to stretch my legs more, and only then did I notice that there was a meal prepared for me on the small table near the window.

"Must be from Sanemi," I muttered softly as I sat down on the chair and proceeded to eat my breakfast, though it was a bit of a lonely affair since I had wanted to eat with Sanemi.

Finishing after a few moments, I decided to take a bath and changed into a fresh yukata, and only then did I notice that there was a slip of paper placed underneath my plate from earlier, and I curiously read what was written on it as I dried my hair with a towel.

'Meet me in the hot spring.'

"That's probably where Sanemi is...I should've known, he also went there yesterday morning,' I whispered to myself, chuckling a bit.

After drying my hair, I tied it into a loose braid before heading out the door, with Sanemi's note placed securely in my pocket.

I hummed lightly as I followed the directions to the hot spring, feeling a bit giddy that Sanemi had wanted to meet me there. It felt as though we were back to the way we were before, and I was willing to compromise with him, if it meant getting back together with him.

'Maybe our relationship is indeed improving..or maybe it could actually work out between us,' I thought as I rounded a corner, seeing that I was nearing the hot spring area.

There was a wooden sliding door at the end of the corridor, and a 'hot spring' sign could be seen above it. My hands shook slightly from excitement as I reached the door and knocked softly.

I didn't hear anyone respond, and thought that maybe he just didn't hear me, so I cautiously slid the door open to take a peek, hoping that I wouldn't see anyone else other than Sanemi (because that would be embarrassing as hell).

But boy was I wrong.

I felt my heart clench painfully in my chest upon seeing the scene that was in front of me.

Sanemi was indeed inside, however, the innkeeper was with him as well.

[Author's Note]

Sorry for the short chapter! But are you all ready for angst? If you are, then please do look forward to the following chapters! I'll do my best to make it as good as possible, since angst isn't really my forte (I promise to improve too!)

Breakable Heaven || Sanemi Shinazugawa x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now