Chapter Seven: Misfortune

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Despite the fact that I had been running for quite some time now, I could not get back on the path that I knew led to the inn. Worse, I didn't even have my nichirin sword with me (all because I hadn't expected that Sanemi would leave me behind and that I would get lost this late at night) - only a thin umbrella that would probably break with one hit.

I contemplated asking anyone for directions, but unfortunately, there was no one in sight. Looks like the man from a while ago was correct, and everyone firmly locked their doors once the sun has set - not that a locked door would be able to stop a demon, but civilians tend to hold on to even a sliver of hope that they remain safe from any attack.

And that was where we, demon slayers, come in.

Going back to my problem, I continued to glance around me to look for anything that might help me remember the way I came from, and after running for another twenty minutes, I finally found the dango store from a while ago, though it was already closed.

"It means I'm going the right way," I muttered as I proceeded to run down the path.

'Where's my crow when I need her?' I thought before glancing up the sky, hoping that some sort of divine intervention will happen.

The sight became more familiar, and I started to sigh of relief until I heard someone ask, "Are you lost, little girl?"

Warning bells rang in my head, but if this person was a demon, it already had me in its sights. There was no use turning back or running now. Before I was even able to fully face him, I felt a hand on my shoulder, forcing me to turn all of a sudden.

The demon was a man with long, jet-black hair, and he would've been considered handsome if it weren't for his four red eyes and freakishly long arms.

I swallowed nervously as I attempted to calm my rapidly beating heart since I knew that it would be useless if I panic. I had to stall my time, to think of something so I could slip away to run back to the inn and get my nichirin sword, at the very least.

"Are you not capable of speaking?" the demon said as he took hold of my chin gently, tilting it upwards so he could get a better view of my face in the darkness.

I refused to say anything, and before I could even move, he raised a finger and managed to cut my cheek several times. I yelped in pain before instinctively jamming the umbrella into his heart and running away from him as fast as I could.

It won't be enough to kill him, but enough to distract him until I think of something better to do.

Since I destroyed the umbrella already, and there was a demon hot on my heels, I did the most idiotic thing I could think of - wait for the demon to come face to face with me.

I stopped running all of a sudden, and I hastily turned to face the demon who was only mere inches away from me.

"Well hello there, demon," I told him with a sweet smile before I punched him with all my might, my left hand colliding with his right cheek with a sickening crunch. My dominant hand was my right, but if I broke it by punching the demon, I won't be able to use my sword at all.

I barely had time to shield my face when the demon lashed out, covering me in deep cuts in several areas such as my arms, legs, and face. I was starting to bleed heavily and my stamina was rapidly declining, and the demon knew it very well.

"What a foolish woman. Stop making it harder for the both of us already and let me eat you up," the demon said with a crooked smile as his long arms began to stretch and wrap them around my body, effectively trapping me in his grasp.

"My...haori..." I managed to whisper as it became increasingly difficult to breathe.

The demon laughed loudly and asked, "You're going to die very soon and you're worried about your stupid haori?"

'Of course, it was handmade by my mother,' I thought as I began to feel lightheaded, though I refused to faint in a situation like this.

"Stop struggling already!" the demon yelled out, and I bit down on his arm hard, enough to make him drop me onto the ground in surprise.

I managed to roll over to the side as I grabbed a random sharp piece of wood that was probably used by someone as part of their cart, and held it defensively in front of me.

The demon tilted his head as he walked slowly towards me, saying, "Hmm, you've managed to survive for quite some time now despite your injuries. Perhaps you're one of those...demon slayers?"

I didn't dignify that with a response, instead, I slowly stood up and positioned myself as I would have with my sword, even though my body was already covered with blood. It was difficult to balance myself and let alone see what was ten feet in front of me, but I can't have him killing me off that easily.

I won't be a burden to Sanemi.

With this thought running through my mind, I told the demon with a smirk, "Perhaps, or perhaps not. Care to find out?"

And so, I've thought of the following as my (idiotic) plans:

Plan A: Decapitate him and run away with his head until sunrise. It should somehow slow down his regeneration, though I need to stay alive until then.

Plan B: Keep him in this cat and mouse chase this until sunrise, which is about 8 to 9 hours away. Not a smart plan, I'd probably die before sunrise if this keeps up.

"Unfortunately, I won't give you a chance to escape, little one. Say your goodbyes!" the demon yelled out before maniacally laughing, and I speared his neck with the sharp end of the wood, only for it to get stuck halfway.

'Looks like none of my plans will be happening anytime soon,' I thought as his long arms managed to capture me again, tightening around my body faster than he did before. I did my best to struggle, only for him to chuckle, knowing that it was a futile attempt on my part.

"Any last words?" the demon asked as he leaned close to me, his lips inches away from my neck.

I was about to say something in answer when I heard a familiar voice yell out, "Get your fucking hands off her, damn it!"

I hadn't expected that there would be a plan C.

[Author's Note]

Surprise! Since this story reached past 500 reads, I wanted to give you guys something to thank you. I really appreciate that you're all taking some time to read this story, and I promise to surpass your expectations!

Again, thank you!

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