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Before I knew it, two years have already passed since Sanemi and I got back together. We were living in a much better world now, having eradicated all the demons. Just as it was before, the hashiras still lived in the headquarters together, even though Oyakata-sama had already passed and the Demon Slayer Corps have already disbanded.

We were all lounging in the common room, with Himejima, Obanai, Uzui, Muichiro, and Rengoku playing some sort of game in one corner, Giyuu and Shinobu were having (what seemed to be) an intimate conversation, though it didn't get past me that their fingers were linked lightly, while Mitsuri, Sanemi, and I were seated by the entrance. Mitsuri has been constantly asking Sanemi on when our wedding date would be, having known that the white-haired male had proposed just a few weeks ago. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of them - with Mitsuri's pouting face and Sanemi's annoyed expression.

Having gotten no response from Sanemi, Mitsuri shifted her attention to me instead as she asked, "[Y/N]! Tell me how this ice block of a man proposed to you, pretty please?"

Smiling softly as I glanced up to Sanemi, I squeezed his hand gently, before I answered, "Well, it wasn't as if Sanemi gave me much of a choice."

Sanemi and I were walking along a small clearing nearby the headquarters, though it was relatively deep in the woods, so there wasn't anyone else nearby or in sight. We walked hand in hand quietly, before reaching the lake we frequented whenever we wanted some time to ourselves - even before we broke up back then.

We then sat down on a soft patch of grass, our legs dangling in the cool water of the lake. I glanced over at Sanemi as I asked, "So, you said a while ago that you had something to ask me, what is it? Is something wrong?"

Sanemi met my gaze as he shook his head lightly, saying, "No, nothing's wrong. It's just that...damn it, I don't know how to say this."

Tilting my head slightly in curiosity, I questioned the male, "What do you mean? It's not like you to be like that at all, Nemi. You're the type to just blurt things out," I laughed softly at this, and upon looking at him once more, found that his expression was serious.

He was quiet for some time, before breaking it as he murmured, "I even asked Uzui on how to do it - he has three wives and yet he wasn't of much help. So I guess I'll do this the only way I know."

Sanemi held my hand tightly in his, his cheeks lightly dusted with a red hue as he said, "I'm only going to say this once, so you better listen carefully."

I nodded in agreement, curious as to what he was about to say. Sanemi took in a deep breath, meeting my gaze intently as he stated, "Marry me for real this time, and I'm not taking no for an answer."

Sanemi then opened his other hand, revealing a small silver ring, and I felt my eyes water at the sight of it. I hastily nodded as I answered him, my voice raw with emotion, "Sounds as if you're not giving me much of a choice, Nemi. But for what it's worth - yes, I'll marry you. I'll choose you over and over, be in this lifetime or the next."

I practically jumped over Sanemi as I wrapped my arms around him, to which he returned by holding me just as tightly. Pulling back a little, we both said to each other at the same time, "I love you."

By the time I was finished recounting the memory to Mitsuri, her excitement was evident on her face, before turning to Sanemi as she playfully hit his shoulder and said, "I didn't know you had it in you!"

I chuckled at this as I teased, "How about you and Iguro-san? Any wedding plans?"

Mitsuri reddened a this instantly, before holding up her left hand, a simple ring present on her finger, "We're planning on it, actually," her smile was bright and genuine, and I couldn't help but hug her at this, happy and excited for the pink-haired girl.

Breakable Heaven || Sanemi Shinazugawa x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now