Chapter Nineteen: Together

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The rain had stopped the following day, and as soon as I was able to convince Sanemi that I was feeling much better and that my injuries were healing nicely, we set off for our journey back to headquarters. However, he had argued that he should carry me on his back from time to time, not wanting me to get tired from the journey. I accepted, of course, since he didn't leave much room for me to say otherwise anyway.

We arrived back at the headquarters by noon, just in time for lunch by the looks of it. Kagaya had been waiting for us, the crows announcing our arrival moments before, and the other hashiras came to welcome us as well, minus Rengoku, who was out on a mission. Uzui, Muchirou, and Himejima were sitting nearby Kagaya, who promptly looked up as we arrived, Iguro was resting against a branch as usual, while Giyuu was training with Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke, most likely to help with their breathing techniques.

Mitsuri practically ran to where I was, though she was warned off by Sanemi, saying that I was still injured and needed to rest. The pink-haired girl's expression went sullen at this, though she nodded in understanding as she said, "I'll make sure to visit you later, [Y/N]!" before running off to where Iguro was resting.

"Put me down already! You've been carrying me for an hour now, Sanemi," I said as I tried to wiggle myself free while on Sanemi's back, though he merely tightened his hold on me, turning his head slightly as he shot back, "I don't want to. Besides, it's about time to change the dressing of your wounds now."

At this, Shinobu appeared just in time, and having heard about our conversation, said, "Shinazugawa-san, we can take care of her in the butterfly estate. Let's take her there so we can check on her wounds."

Sanemi looked hesitant at this but soon relented, having no other choice since it was Shinobu who was in charge of any medical emergency. We made our way to the butterfly estate, where I was immediately attended to by Aoi and Shinobu, with Sanemi keeping watch as he simply stood beside the bed. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of him like that, standing guard while I was being treated.

"Shinazugawa-san, why don't you inform Oyakata-sama of your arrival? I'm sure he'd like for you to immediately report to him," Shinobu said a few moments later, not even sparing the white-haired male a glance as she grabbed a wet towel and began wiping my arms gently.

I glanced at Sanemi to see how he would react; Sanemi's frustration was evident on his expression, and I expected him to say something in rebuttal, but instead, he said to me in a low tone, "I'll come back later, [Y/N], make sure to feel better by then."

I gave him a small smile and wave as he reached for the door. As soon as he stepped out of the room, I heard Aoi and Shinobu sigh in relief in unison. At this, I wasn't able to suppress my laughter as I asked the two, "You didn't want Sanemi in here?"

Aoi's eyebrows were furrowed as she answered, "It feels as though he's breathing on our backs."

"He's gotten a bit protective ever since I got hurt on the mission," I told them with a small smile, carefully changing into the new set of clothes Shinobu handed over to me as she stated, "Shinazugawa-san has been protective of you ever since, [Y/N]. Everyone knows this but you."

I felt my cheeks heat up upon hearing this, and Aoi snickered as she asked, "Are the two of you back together?"

I bit my lip nervously, remembering the kiss we shared at the inn just the night before, and I answered with a sheepish smile, "No, but I'm thinking of talking to him about it again...maybe tonight."

Shinobu raised an eyebrow at this as she shared a knowing look with Aoi, before saying with a soft sigh, "Kanroji-san wouldn't want to miss this."


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