Chapter Thirteen: Skeptical

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Sanemi actually had the audacity to look surprised upon hearing what I had asked him, and I could slowly feel my bravado faltering by the second. To begin with, I wasn't the type of person to hold a grudge, but this was the first time that I had gotten hurt to this extent.

My train of thoughts was broken when Sanemi took a step towards me and held out his hand as he started, "Look, I had every intention of telling you-"

I met his eyes directly as I cut him off, "For some reason, it seems as though you breaking up with me was actually a blessing in disguise," I paused for some time to shake my head in disbelief before I continued, "I had no idea that you were capable of cheating, Shinazugawa-san."

Sanemi's eyes widened as he stood frozen on the spot, and it took him a few seconds before he practically yelled in rebuttal, "At least fucking hear me out first, [Y/N]!"


I saw him swallow nervously before he took another step towards me, but I didn't make any attempt to move.

"What do you mean 'no'?" he asked as he scoffed, as if he couldn't believe what I just told him.

"Did you not understand me? It means that I absolutely refuse to hear what your excuse is." I said in almost a whisper as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, attempting to calm my nerves and to prevent myself from crying. I would not cry in front of him - I refuse to let him see me in that kind of state.

It would only show how desperate I was to have him back in my life.

On the other hand, Sanemi looked so hurt and frustrated, a combination that never in my life I figured I'd see. He looked so lost, as if he didn't know what to do, or what his next move should be. For some reason, he looked afraid. Of what, I had no idea.

It almost made me change my mind.

It almost made me want to run into his arms and hold him tight.

"Do whatever the hell you want, it's not like you're my actual wife anyway," Sanemi said in a dangerously low tone as he went inside the bathroom and slammed the door shut after him.

I bit my lower lip to keep my composure from slipping before I ground out, "As if I didn't know that yet. I'm so painfully aware of that fact."

Without waiting for a response, I climbed out of the window and shut it carefully after, stopping by the ledge for a second to calm myself down. I couldn't forget the look on Sanemi's face after saying what I did, and I regretted the words as soon as they left my lips.

'There's nothing you can do now, [Y/N], you already hurt him,' I thought as I jumped down from the ledge onto the small pathway behind the inn.

I lightly dusted off my uniform, feeling incomplete without my haori, before adjusting my sword at my side. I glanced left and right to check if there were still people about, and saw that there were only a handful of civilians who were either closing up their shops or rushing to get home.

"They're probably still afraid of the demon, even though Sanemi already finished him off...but then again, it's better to be safe than sorry," I muttered to myself as I straightened up and waited for a few minutes more, observing my surroundings - and it's not like I could walk around so casually with a sword on my hip, I had to wait for the sky to get a little bit darker before I could start my patrol.

A few moments after, I began to walk but paused and hid behind a post when I heard a door open, unconsciously holding my breath so I wouldn't get noticed. However, my curiosity got the best of me and I peered slightly, and my eyes widened in surprise at the figure I saw.

It was the innkeeper, and she looked painfully suspicious since she kept on glancing around, as if checking if there was anyone nearby.

Joke's on her though, because now I'm going to follow her and see what she's up to. If I were to be honest, I could care less about where she was going, but since she's the cause of why Sanemi and I were in our current state, I wasn't going to let her out of my grasp that easily, especially if my gut feeling was correct.

She didn't seem to notice that I was trailing behind her, probably because I did my best to keep close to the walls and maintained a safe fifty meters away from her, just so she couldn't see me especially since she kept on turning around - the perfect image of someone who was hiding something.

'Where could she be heading off to at a time like this?' I thought as I swallowed nervously, and my mind was on high alert, already sensing danger.

The innkeeper took a few more turns at small alleyways, and I almost lost her had I not been paying attention (since my mind kept on drifting off to a certain white-haired male). She soon stopped at a shady looking house, before smiling as she turned to face my direction - right exactly at where I was.

"How nice to see you here, madam," the innkeeper sweetly said, and before I was able to respond and draw my sword, someone - or something with an awfully powerful aura, hit me from behind, and my eyesight started to blur before I fell to the ground, unconscious.

[Author's Note]

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you guys enjoy the holidays with the special people in your lives!

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