[Christmas Omake]

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[Back to their first Christmas together]

Sanemi had been pacing around the common room for an hour now, to the point that the other pillars who were present - Rengoku, Uzui, Kanroji, Iguro, and Shinobu, were starting to get annoyed.

"Shinazugawa-san, if you have a problem or anything, feel free to tell us so we can help you out," Kanroji offered as she glanced at Shinobu, having a feeling of what his problem was about.

"I don't have a fucking prob-" Sanemi started to yell out until he saw Iguro glaring at him, not wanting the white-haired male to talk in that manner to Kanroji, even though he usually did it anyway.

"Yeah! That's what friends are for, Sanemi!" Rengoku added, looking every bit interested.

Sanemi, having no other choice, sighed and sat down audibly, and it took him a few seconds before he managed to say, "I don't know what to give to [Y/N] for Christmas."

The other pillars looked at each other, stifling their laughter as Sanemi shouted, "It's a fucking serious problem, okay? I don't have any fucking clue what to give to that damn woman!"

Uzui raised an eyebrow as he said, "That damn woman would love absolutely anything that you give her, Sanemi."

Sanemi merely looked confused as he asked, "What the hell does that even mean?"

Shinobu smiled sweetly as she offered, "Actually, Shinazugawa-san, I may have a suggestion, but you'll have to come closer."

Sanemi's brows were knit together, obviously skeptical of what the insect pillar might say, but he soon relented and walked closer to Shinobu, who whispered something to him.

The aforementioned male's cheeks reddened slightly, before he practically yelled out, "If this doesn't fucking work, you'll have to buy me ohagi for a month!"

"Deal!" Shinobu answered confidently, as the other pillars scrambled towards the insect pillar, curious as to what she told Sanemi.

Christmas soon came earlier than Sanemi wanted to, and he waited impatiently to catch [Y/N] alone. He was beyond frustrated because every time he had wanted to approach her, a pillar or trainee would get in his way and whisk [Y/N] off to someplace else.

He finally managed to get her alone by evening, when he caught sight of [Y/N] about to enter her room.

"W-wait, [Y/N]!" Sanemi called out, a blush lightly dusting his cheeks.

[Y/N] turned to face him, smiling as she slightly opened the door to her room and asked, "What is it, Sanemi?"

Sanemi rubbed his arm, quiet for some time, before he finally managed to say, "May we...talk for a bit?"

Curious about what he wanted to say, [Y/N] nodded as she gestured for him to enter her room, closing the door behind them both. She then sat down at the edge of her futon, and Sanemi followed suit, looking absolutely tense.

"Are you alright?" [Y/N] asked in concern, peering over to the male. She placed a hand on his forehead, wondering if he was running a fever, since his face was so red he practically resembled a ripe tomato.

Sanemi gently swatted her hand away as he said, "I-I'm alright! There's no need to fucking fuss over me!"

[Y/N] looked hurt by his words and she lowered her hand dejectedly as she said in response, "Oh....I, uh, was only worried about you. Sorry about that."

'I'm already mucking this up,' Sanemi thought as he turned to fully face her, obviously panicking.

Sanemi tentatively intertwined his fingers with [Y/N]'s, and though the female was surprised, she didn't make any move to stop him. Instead, she held on tightly to his hand, not wanting to let go.

"What I meant to say was...I...um...this shit is harder said than done," Sanemi stuttered as he averted his eyes from [Y/N], to which she laughed upon seeing how cute he was.

[Y/N] gently held on to Sanemi's cheek with her free hand, and tilted his face so that he was facing her once more, "Sanemi, quit acting so adorable!"

However, Sanemi suddenly looked serious, and he said in a low tone, "I'm only going to say this once, you better fucking listen carefully."

[Y/N] nodded at him, now extremely curious about what he had wanted to say.

He pulled her into his arms, his free hand on the small of her back, holding her securely against him. [Y/N] breathed in his scent, loving the way he held her, wanting to prolong this rare moment.

Sanemi lowered his lips until [Y/N] felt his breath on her ear, as he whispered softly, "I love you, [Y/N]. Merry Christmas."


The other pillars - Uzui, Rengoku, Shinobu, Kanroji, and Iguro (who was pulled along by a certain pink and green-haired pillar), were listening through the thin door of the room, wanting to know if Sanemi would be able to push through his plan to tell [Y/N] how he really felt for her.

"Quit pushing! They're gonna find out that we're here!" Rengoku whispered (though it ended up still being loud), nevertheless, the other pillars nodded, with the exception of Iguro who merely rolled his eyes in defeat. 

"It suddenly got quiet," Kanroji said softly, not hearing anything from inside the room, despite pressing her ear closer.

Uzui tilted his head in curiosity with a mischievous smile as he said, "Do you think they're-"

Shinobu playfully stepped on his toe, saying, "I can confidently say that I won't be buying him any ohagi, you know." 

[Author's Note]

Surprise! Again, I wish you all a merry Christmas/happy holidays! 

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