Chapter Twelve: Unwanted

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I felt lightheaded as I walked back to the room, my eyes glazed over from the feeling of betrayal that threatened to bubble up my chest. But then again, it wasn't like Sanemi and I had gotten back together, so I shouldn't have any right at all to feel this way.

We had only kissed, after all.

But I still couldn't shake off the emotions that I felt, and I wanted to lash out at anything just to release all my pent up frustration. Instead, all I could think of was 'I had no idea that Sanemi was capable of doing something like this.'

The moment I entered the room, my legs gave out and I sank to the floor, suddenly feeling physically and emotionally drained. It took me a few moments before I was able to compose myself, and I grabbed the writing materials that I always brought with me on missions, just so I could keep updating my friends back at the headquarters.


I'm so sorry to bother you at a time like this, but I really need to get this off my chest, and you were the first person that I thought of, since I know you'll understand. I think that Sanemi's hiding something from me, but I want to clear it up with him first, even though I've already jumped to conclusions.

Technically, he is my husband for now, so I still think that it was wrong of him to do what he did...but I'm actually scared of what his answer would be.

This is probably baseless too, and I might just be overreacting, but I just couldn't help it.

I almost forgot to tell you what he did - I saw him bathing with the innkeeper this morning.

There may or may not be a reason behind it, but I'm so completely blinded by frustration...and jealousy, that I can't think straight. I know I'm being painfully petty about this, but he's my husband (at least for this mission) - is it wrong of me to want him for myself, even just for a few days?

In any case, this mission will be over soon - I'm still convinced that something isn't quite right, but I promise to be back as soon as I can.

Take care always!


I folded the letter neatly before attaching it to my crow, hopeful that it would arrive to Rengoku as soon as possible. I ran a hand through my hair and suddenly remembered about the injured girl from yesterday, whom I've yet to check in on.

"Such a scatterbrain, [Y/N]!" I muttered to myself as I quickly stood up and looked for a staff, who told me in response, "She was already gone by the time we did some rounds. We're thinking that maybe she left at the crack of dawn."

"Oh, in that case, maybe she was already well enough to leave?" I responded, the hesitation in my voice evident.

The staff merely bowed to me before she walked down the corridor, assuming her previous task.


It was already lunchtime, yet Sanemi was still nowhere to be seen. My anger and frustration only increased during the time he was absent, and my pacing around the inn absolutely did nothing to change it.

"Maybe he's having too much fun with that lady," I muttered as I laid down on the futon, not wanting to eat anything as of the moment.

I contemplated going to the hot spring once more just to confirm, but thought otherwise when my injuries started to hurt. I carefully redid my bandages, but it took so much effort that I had fallen asleep just a few moments later.


I woke up some time later, and noticed that I was still alone inside the room. I could only sigh as I glanced at the clock, and realized that it was already five in the afternoon, and that I have wasted my day away sulking and resting.

Hastily standing up and rushing to the bathroom to freshen up, I then changed into my uniform and strapped my sword securely to my waist, before tying up my hair in a high ponytail to keep it away from my face.

I walked over to the window and opened it slowly so that it would not make any noise at all, but I was so rattled when the door suddenly opened, and I practically scrambled trying to hide my sword from plain sight, in case it was one of the inn's staff.

I quickly turned to see who it was, and my eyes widened at the sight of Sanemi, already in his uniform, though I could see that he hid his sword on his back. I had no idea when or where he had changed, and thought that maybe he had come back while I was asleep.

Unfortunately, my anger came back in full force, and before Sanemi could even open his lips to say something, I smiled coldly at him as I asked, "Had a nice, long bath, my husband?"

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