Chapter Eight: False Front

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For the second time that night, the demon dropped me as he prepared to face Sanemi head-on, leaving me alone before he jumped on the roof of a nearby establishment. I have to say that I was thankful, even more so when Sanemi wordlessly threw my sword in my direction.

"So you are a part of the demon slayers," the demon said with a dry laugh as he looked at me in a curious manner.

Sanemi followed the demon swiftly, and before I could even blink, they were already having a standoff on the roof.

I couldn't just sit there and do nothing especially since I wasn't so defenseless anymore, but with my injuries, I had to wait for the demon to get back down on the ground. I felt absolutely pathetic, but putting my pride aside, we had to get rid of this demon for good.

"This is my turf, alright? That girl was supposed to be my second victim until you interfered. I won't ever forgive you," the demon said with a sneer as he audibly kicked something I couldn't see.

To my horror, it wasn't something, but someone. To be precise, a girl who seemed to be around my age.

She rolled dangerously to the edge of the roof before the demon stepped on the girl's chest and drawled out, "I haven't even eaten this one yet, but I couldn't resist drawing her blood."

"Stay away from her!" I screamed in disgust as I stood up and sprinted just in time to catch the girl when the demon kicked her off the roof.

By catch, I mean 'cushion her fall' since I didn't have enough strength in my arms and legs to do it properly. It took a toll on my body, but I shifted so that her head was on my lap since I wanted her to feel comfortable...somehow.

She was covered in similar bruises as mine, and I didn't know if it was a good thing that she was unconscious. I could hear Sanemi and the demon fighting, as well as screaming at each other, but my current priority was the girl on my lap.

I hurriedly checked if she still had a pulse, and to my relief, it was there, albeit weak.

"Just hang in there, I'll get us to safety," I told her reassuringly as I did my best to shift so she was on my back.

I greatly struggled to stand up as I started to feel myself weaken from the blood loss. My crow cawed overhead, and I finally managed to stand up to follow her to the inn.

"You're not getting away that easy!" I heard the demon say dangerously close to where I was, and I sloppily unsheathed my sword as I turned to face him, only to see that Sanemi had blocked the attack for me.

My eyes widened when I saw that Sanemi's left arm began bleeding profusely, though he didn't seem to mind it as he yelled at me, "Get the hell out of here already!"

The girl on my back almost fell since I was only supporting her with one hand - as I held my sword on the other, before I warned, "Make sure to come back to me alive, husband."

"Make sure to stay alive, wife," he cockily responded before attacking the demon once more.


The crow had a better sense of direction than me, which I realized when we arrived at the inn ten minutes later. Upon entering, the innkeeper looked positively aghast at my current predicament, and even more so when she saw the woman on my back.

"Please attend to her first," I told her, motioning to the injured girl.

The innkeeper called on the other staff to help carry the girl to another room before she asked me, "What about you, madam? We can treat your wounds as well."

I shook my head as I answered with a weak smile, "I can manage, though I'll be needing a first aid kit, if you can spare me with one."


My legs gave out the moment I shut the door behind me, my face almost crashing onto the floor if I hadn't rolled over in the nick of time. I breathed in and out as an attempt to calm myself down and to at least control my blood flow, though it proved to be easier said than done.

"I was practically useless," I whispered as I closed my eyes, unable to stop the tears from falling.

Aside from that, I wasn't even able to protect Sanemi when the demon attacked him. Instead, he had been the one who protected me.

"Don't ever fucking say that I'll weigh you down. For all I know, it's the reverse."

My chest painfully constricted as I remembered Sanemi's words from the night before, all because it ended up being true.

But then again, he had also told me to stay alive, though it was proving more difficult than I could ever imagine. My body had gone numb all over, and I felt absolutely cold despite the warm temperature inside the room.

I heard a noise somewhere inside the room, and I immediately opened my eyes to see what or who it was, slightly fearing for the worst. Should the demon come back for me, I'm sure that I was done for, especially in my current state.

With great pain, I managed to unsheathe my sword, only to be told off by an awfully familiar voice.

"Don't you dare move, [Y/N]," Sanemi harshly said as he went inside the room from the window, shutting it firmly after him before tugging the curtains close a bit too strongly.

Ah, so that was what the noise was all about.

"I wouldn't dare defy you on that, Sanemi. And by the way, don't destroy the window or the curtain. You almost did when you entered," I told him as I chuckled dryly before letting go of my sword in relief.

"I'll tear this whole damn place down just to find you," Sanemi said softly under his breath, and I almost didn't catch it due to the sound of his haori falling on the floor as he hurriedly removed it, since it always turned out either dirtied or bloodied.

"Did you manage to kill him?" I dumbly asked just to fill the silence, and as an attempt to hide the fact that I was caught off-guard by what he said.

"What a stupid question, as if I'll let go of that bastard after what he did to you."

I couldn't hold back the smile that tugged on my lips before responding, "He injured you too, and for me that's unforgivable."

At this, Sanemi hastily went over to where I was lying (cursing the whole time) before gently carrying me in his arms, as if I were made of glass. He felt so warm that I couldn't resist resting my head on his broad chest, though I didn't look up to see his expression.

"Sanemi, I just want to say that-"

"Shut up already and let me do my job," Sanemi interjected in a rough tone before carefully placing me on the futon, ignoring my weak protests.

My eyes scanned his face as I asked, "Your job? And what would that be?"

He rummaged through the first aid kit, taking out some disinfectant and gauze before casually answering, "I'm your husband, aren't I?"

[Author's Note]

Hi guys! Do let me know about what you think of this chapter, and stay tuned for the next! I promise to set your hearts aflutter! 

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