Chapter Fourteen: Mistaken

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The first thing I felt as soon as I came to was that my body ached all over as if I had been trampled on by wild boars, or at least something similar. Though I was left in a sitting position with my back to the wall, my hands were bound over my head, so I had to use my feet to try and check if there was anything in my vicinity that I could use to break free. My vision was blurry at first, but thankfully, I managed to adapt to the lack of light inside the room a few minutes later.

I spotted the familiar silhouette of my sword nearby, struggling to reach one end of it using my foot since my movement was limited.

"Damn it, just a bit more..." I muttered in frustration, before finally being able to slowly pull my sword towards my direction.

However, before I could finish my task, the door suddenly slid open, making me let go of my sword in surprise.

'Just when I almost had it,' I thought as I sighed heavily before my perpetrators came into view.

As expected, the innkeeper was there, but alongside her was a male demon with an awfully strong presence.

He had piercing green eyes that stared right into mine, his lips curved up in a prideful smirk. His jet black hair reached his waist, tied lowly with a plain white ribbon-like material. As if his presence wasn't intimidating enough, it certainly didn't help that his height was almost the same as Rengoku's, and I couldn't help but think that he could very easily hurt anyone if he wanted to.

'So why the hell isn't the innkeeper running away from him?'

"My, my. What a lovely one we have here," the demon spoke as he tilted his head slightly, seemingly observing me.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I said sarcastically, "Glad you find me lovely, demon. Your kind seems to be the only ones who think so."

The innkeeper stepped forward with a lamp in her hand, illuminating the room further, making me aware that the room I was in was similar to the one I shared with Sanemi, but without any furniture.

"Shut your mouth before I do it for you," the innkeeper threatened, but I disregarded her as I retorted with a smirk of my own, "Bold of you to assume that you can."

The innkeeper's face visibly reddened in anger, and she looked like she was about to say something when the demon held up a hand, effectively silencing her.

"You did a good job separating her from her husband, Akari-chan," the demon said, flashing the innkeeper - Akari, a lascivious smile.

It was evident that Akari loved being praised by him - there wasn't even a trace of anger left on her face, instead, she had returned the smile the demon flashed her before she answered, "I had no idea that it would be too easy, Akito-sama. All I had to say to her husband was that his wife would be in danger if he doesn't come with me, and a second later he was practically at my beck and call."

I felt my whole body go numb at what Akari said, and I felt guilt surge through the entirety of my system upon remembering that I didn't even give Sanemi any chance to explain.

All because my jealousy got the best of me - when in fact, he was only trying to protect me.

Like a real husband would.

'And now I'm in this predicament because I let my pride get in the damn way,' I thought to myself as I closed my eyes in resignation, before letting out a heavy sigh.

"How are you feeling, my little bird?"

My train of thoughts was interrupted by the demon, and I smiled thinly at him as I looked up at my bound hands before answering, "Oh, you know, just hanging around."

Akito merely shook his head with a small smile playing on his lips before facing Akari once more, saying, "Where did you get such a sharp-tongued marechi?"

That simple word got my full attention.

As far as I remember, the only marechi I knew was Sanemi - he was the only one under the Demon Slayer Corps with blood that could distract and intoxicate the demons.

I looked at the two of them in disbelief as I said softly, "That's where you're mistaken - I'm not a marechi."

Akito and Akari looked at each other, before they both burst into laughter, leaving me feeling even more confused. Akito was the first to get his composure back as he said, "My, my. She doesn't even know how precious she is. Akari-chan, I really must thank you for getting me this delectable snack."

I shook my head once more, saying, "I think that if what you're saying is true, I've known it by now, no?"

"There's no mistaking the blood samples I got from you, madam, the night you sustained heavy injuries," Akari said as she lowered the lamp onto the floor, before handing over an item to Akito.

"Female marechi are rare nowadays, too. I must reward you heavily for this, Akari-chan. Just tell me whatever it is that you wish," Akito said, his excitement evident in his tone.

Akari held on to his arm as she dramatically said, "The demon you sent out a few nights ago failed to deliver you your supply of female marechi, and so I'm glad that I was able to lure one out, Akito-sama. My wish is to be by your side for as long as I'm alive."

I was piecing together the information that Akari was saying - and it could only mean that Akito was actually the ones behind the missing girls, with the weaker demons used as pawns.

So this demon before me is the one who has a gender fixation.

Once more, I tried to reach for my sword while the two were busy in their own little world, as I frantically attempted to move my wrists, checking if I could loosen it just enough to break free.

"That's about enough struggling for now, my little one," Akito said in a low tone, before he continued, "Now, let me devour you." 

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