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[Joon's pov]

Ding dong~
I get up quite early and get ready, cleaning is a tough work, i get that.i noted jin hyung my whereabouts and here we go.


"oh hyung! Cmon in"
Taehyung flashed his mile and welcome me warmly to his cozy little hou-What.


Might just pass out looking at the mess, cups and snacks everywhere and confetti too.Teenagers , what they called in books.

"so, where should i start? "
I asked as he handed me some cleaning tools.

"from the living room to the kitchen and if youre strong enough after all that i could pay you extra to clean our rooms if you like"

"well see,. So chop chop! "

Cleaning is not a big deal, since i do that alot after i broke this and that and living with Sasha make me learn more so we could all live comfortably.

>>>>>> time skip

Well thats alot of  work sweeping, moping , taking out trash etc. The gathering must be so lit to have huge mess. I still strong enough to clean the rooms i guess?  So-

"taehyung ah, ill clean your room alright! "

"oh okay its the one with a picture frame on the door!"
He shouted from his workspace.

Huh? Is that so many rooms ti be confused for? I walk closer to the bedroom area, now i get it, that kookie lives here too no wonder. So do i have to clean tae's bedroom first or that brats room?

After tidying tae's room, i head out to jungkooks room, across from tae's. Why is is si dark and  ihave some weird feeling about this?

The room was painted dark gray, with dark curtains that emits no lights in the room. I could barely see the dart board on the wall.Cool! I take a dart and try to shoot the target and bullseye! Wait no- why is there a picture at the middle point?

I courage myself to walk closer towards the wall, and there is literally pictures, every corner of the room big and small, tge main point of all those pictures is a similar girl figure in each of it. But the girl wearing and doing something different in any other.

The tense is unimaginable, without looking closely of who it is, i ran out of the room.Trying to pretend it never happened in the first place. The figure, somehow familiar-

"yow tae!  I finished all of the chores! "
"that was fast! Heres some money, and if you need more, do call me! I had 'gatherings' any other time so there are lot of cleaning to do"

"wow, this is alot tae, "
I opened the envelope he gave.

"nah, btw why do you look so sweaty? Are dead tired? We can hangout other time-"

"im okay! So, lets chit chat? "



[Jungkooks pov]

"aish, sasha!  Hold it properly will you"

The sound of boxes falling fills the house. Is it coming from the other side? I get up and peeked at the door.
Looks like we have new neighbor moving in, two pretty siblings. A giod looking man and-

"Did we bother you? Chulsuhamnida"
A beautiful girl bow at me. From her eyes, she really looked sincere.

"Gwenchana, anything that i could help you with, miss pretty face"

I winked and she blushed.

Some black cat just managed to scratch my leg. This-

"oh joonie, dont do that! "

She pulled the cat towards her chest, hoding it thightly .The cat looked mad and its hers i suppose.

"sorry, again. We just met and i toubled you-"

"if you feel sorry for me, why not do me a favor? "

"anything! I felt so bad"

"tell me your name? "

"you got me there, im nervous for no reason. How rude of me, call me Sasha and that guy is my bro, Jin. We moved in today"
She smiled, with her petite eyes.

"umm sir"
She swayed her hand, getting my attention.

"got a bit carried away, im jungkook and i lived with my bro, Taehyung. "

"i see, we both have brothers! "

Then his brother interrupt our conversation.

"Dongsaeng ah!  Help me quick! "
The guy, or should i say Jin hyung since his older called Sasha from inside of their house.

"gotta go, see you around then, jungkookie! Bye"

With that, she never knew she leave a big impact on someones heart.with just a glimpse of her bright smile. I should mark whats mine.



Since then, i would make plans. Getying to know her better. shes a part of me that i couldnt lose. I want every track of her, everything.

No one could stop me. Felt the world in my palms. Act innocent, i could hide the things ive done just for her.

But thats just one thing, namjoon .
Why did he suddenly appeared? I tried find about him, documents, infos, background but nothing came out. Hes literally testing my ability. And on top of all HES WITH WHAT SUPPOSE TO BE MINE.


Friday, 12:30 p.m.

The perfect night. Jin hyung has his overtime at work and that Joon guy must have slept earlier. Sasha is binge watching her fav idol performance on tv at this point. The timing is on point and i have more to complete this plan.

The double key that i ordered last wek finally neing used. I tiptoed into the house after unlocking the front door. Put some chemical on the cloth and 1,2,3

"sleep well, pretty "

She fainted right into my arms, thats easy. Shes too tired to even fight after watching all that huh. And now, let me carry her to a special, honourable place. Only i knew the existence,

i finally brought you home, yeobu.


Quite a while since i updated and sooo sorry lol. Things coming up to me and didnt get to type out.

But if yall wanna communicate with me, do follow me on twitter and lets be moots! Im quite active there.


♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆

hoping for better year on 2021,stay safe, take a really good care of your hygine and bye everyone ♡

     -with love, namjinobie

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