+"accident" +

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[Sasha's P. O. V]

"Annyeong, kookie ah!" I wave as I am greeting him. He greeted me back, showing his cute bunny teeth.

"Come, sit with me!" he pulled a chair beside him.

Out of nowhere, my focus was on the cool looking vintage camera, what is he doing with a camera in a mall? To photoshoot? My curiosity takes over,

"Whoa, cool camera you have! What's with it?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm helping Jin hyung taking pictures of this building, He said that he needed it for its assignments.." he showed many pictures to me, as he explained.

Weird, I thought that Jin has already worked, as a doctor, but what's with the mall building,?

Im getting kinda lazy to ask further questions, so I think I wanna take a walk before going home,

" kookie ah, wanna go on a walk with me?"

"yea, why not?" he gets his butt up and off we go around the mall.

[Jungkook's P. O. V]

She's beautiful no matter how I looked, she's just stunning. I took gazes on her when she's not noticing but.. I never been this close with her, might as well take pictures...


"Yah Jungkook ah, enough with the camera! Can't you look around and shop some clothes or anything?" Sasha said, annoyingly.

"Nah, just taking pictures with beautiful scenery..."

"Are you kidding me rn? It's the freakin mall, kookie, where is the beautiful scenery with lots of people in here tho?" 🤔

"with you in it, everythings gonna be a beautiful scenery I curved a lil smirk on my face.

" oh god, don't make me blush" she hits me in the chest and laughs.

"hey, I gotta run home tho, gonna pass these pics to Jin hyung." I made an excuse.

"too bad, but nah see you when I'm home!" she gave a smile and walk away.

How can be that, beautiful...


Few photos more... And I'm gonna take this pic to my fave place... Ah... I wish you were mine... All along... Just wait, Sasha ah.

[Sasha's P. O. V]

I was wandering around without destination, but then, I've met the love of my life, my earths heaven, the bookstore!

( IDK, but the bookstore with the loootssss of English books is my fav tho, what a heavenly place.)

There are lost of newly bestsellers and I NEED TO CHECK IT OUT!

I go straight in and walk through random novel book shelves and a book catches my eye. But the thing is, why in the world they put such book on the highest shelf? I was born with not kinda long legs even, make it even harder and beyond my reach.

I spotted some stools, so grabbed, stack em and climb. Just praying to not fall is what I can do.

"almost... Almost..." i tried to reach and the thing I was a fraud of happened before my eyes, my leg slipped from the stools surface.

"damn.. Aaaahhhhhh" the thought of my leg could break appeared in my mind, I can't even walk properly after this...

Suddenly, there is hope, the only hope that could save me.

"yah, you okay?" Hobi out of nowhere catch me with his hand on my back. No gonna lie, the hopes view is really... Handsome...

[Hobi's P. O. V]

She blushed, LOL. Not kinda used for me for being such a handsome best friend and hero, huh?

hehehe.. An idea pops out, a grin appeared on my face.a test should be fine....

I moved my face closer to her still with my hand on her back, just a few inches away and....

Bam. Ow. My forehead, my heart, both hurt.

How could she even think to smack her forehead with mine? I tried to endure my pain as I take my hands off her,..

"the heck. I thought you gonna kiss me or what..?" she asked with her hands on her forehead and mine too..

"yea.. Just gonna test you that all, Sasha, ow.. You hurt your hope and angel... Thank God.. I was there to save you from that fall... This the way you treat me?"

I jokingly ask her.. But true tho... I think she doesn't want me to further our relationship...

" Mianhe.. And thanks for saving me.. You might don't want to see your BFF covered like a mumia right? Any woo, what are you doing here, you don't always come for books, but only when you need it, nae?"

She knows me to well. Aish... I couldn't even control my feelings as I grew older with her, my childhood best friend..

" you got me there, Jin hyung asked me took look for some books for you.. "
She stare at me for a second.

" ummm is this a coincidence? I just now wanna need a book... Now, can you take that novel for me, right up there?" she pointed the novel.

"yah smol smol one, get it yourself.." I held he up and she reached for the book herself.

" you big meanie, huh? thanks bruh. You need anything?"

Act fast bro, this is the time.

" a kiss? 😏"

"sure, but I'll need it at the counter, kajja!"

What kind of kiss need to be at the counter?

We head towards the counter, I waited outside the bookstore and she pay for her things. When she's done, she quickly came to me.

And shoved a pack of kisses to me.
Nice. Exactly. What. I. Wanted.
Friendzone .

"LOL MY LOVER WILL BE MY FIRST KISS, NOT YOU!" she laughed out loud.

You think this is funny huh.

I ran beside her and give a peck at her cheeks , she immediately turned tomato.


"BYE SASHA SEE U LATER, ALLIGATOR!!!" I ran to my next destination.

[Sasha's P. O. V.]

Damn... My pun didn't work tho.. I'll get revenge soon after. I WILL SPANK HIS BUTT FOR THAT, JUST YOU WAIT JUNG HOSEOKKKK.


A message appeared on my phone screen.

*the pinkie oppa*
Sis! Would you mind bring home some milk and flour? I wanna bake more cookies tho. It doesnt seem enough of 2 jars. We need maybe 4 at least.

He doesn't even felt sorry after lying to me? Hahaha.... Hmmm more flour huh... I'll make a "flour beauty remedy" for you when I'll get home.. I ll make you buy my gucci bag. You'll be sorry.. I have to make a revenge list, both for hoseok and him..


Sure, oppa! I ll buy it, no woories! ;-)
Don't forget to bake me some!

*the pinkie oppa *
Gomawo! But what's the emoji...
I ll bake for you okie dokie!

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