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>>>> Sasha , 11 years old

- Sasha's POV -

"Honey ~ Im home!"

Mom!! I rushed towards the door and hugged my mother,Mrs.Kim followed by my "Princess"-ish brother, Kim Seokjin.

"-and i got a surprise for you Sasha."

"Only for her?Where 's mine?"said Jin

"You've had yours yesterday right?"

Oh! yeah...my brother got his gift yesterday and I was sulking all the night telling them to get me a gift too..

This gifts things happens when my brother and I help my mom to do house chores like cleaning , cooking etc.

"what is it mom? tell me ~" I asked , holding my hopes up with my puppy eyes.

"A cute male kitten just like you."

I peeked at the cage Mom's holding. A kitten with black all over.

"Thanks mom!"

I hugged her and kisses her at the cheek.I hurried upstairs holding the cage with the kitten in it beside me.

>>>>Sasha's Bedroom

I sat down at my baby blue carpet and put the cage infront of me.I looked around the cage to check anything that i missed.Aha! just what I thought.I noticed a sticker from the pet store that being sticked at the side of the cage.


PRICE : 500,000 won

Awwh.... he was born earlier than me...2 years older and I'll make sure to memorize this date! I open the cage's gate and sit him on my lap.

Name... I looked around my bedroom finding ideas for this kitten's name.The spoon that I use to play pretend cooking...

" Spoon?Spook?Poo? No ."

An image of a character from my fav cartoon show crossed my mind "Jennie"...Why not we combine this two?

"Jepoon?Speenie?Joonie?" Yah ~ Joonie will be just right .

"Welcome Joonie~ah.We'll be best friends!"I shouted happily .

>>>Forward-after few months later

I bring Joonie to the garden behind my house . It was huge with tons of pastel coloured flowers,hedges and beautiful well - designed Gazebo. i run around playing catch with Joonie then sit down a while

"its tiring though..Joonie play by yourself for a little while okay?"

He just run away playing with butterflies in the garden.

"let him be".

Suddenly , Joonie just make loud,annoying sounds.I quickly run towards him and see what is he up for.. A light just came from nowhere shines brightly like begging me to follow. Without thinking twice , i just follow the light while holding Joonie close to my chest.

Slowly, I follow the light through the woods and found a sparkly yet wierd looking lake.It is Green in colour... I suppose lake are blue in colour?

whatever..Joonie jumped out from my holdings and go towards the lake..He suddenly jumped in the lake.I panicked.

How am i suppose to help when i did'nt know how to swim! and why the heck Joonie just jumped In the lake i thought cats HATE water!But somehow , he jumped out of the lake and act like nothing happen..he came towards me and sit on my lap .

Just like that.

I looked around and admires the beauty of the lake , talking to Joonie and playing around . I did'nt notice how the time flies so fast and its night. i began to worry abut my family.

Tears rolling down my cheeks and Joonie wiped it of with his cute paws.I gathered all my strength and headed through the woods ...walked , walked and walk..Suddenly i heard voices ....

"Sasha - Ah! Sasha-Ah! where are you!!!"

"Jinnn!!!!! Eommmaa appaaaaa!!"

There are lights from the torches .... and i quickly ran towards it Jin came to me , crying followed by my mom and dad

"Oh where have you been ? you hurt? Joonie? Two of you? " my mom ask while crying and holding on my shoulder

" Im fine mom , so as Joonie" i answered,calmly.

"Promise us you wont dissapearing around like this ever again" Jin said and held his pinky finger up .

"Promise. "

i connected my pinky finger with his.

We all head home after hugging each other including Joonie, not to be missed.


This is the first chap ! i hope you guys like it ! Chap 2 will be out really soon!

~Namjinobie <3

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