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In which they have a merry little Christmas...

"What do you get someone who still uses a straight razor to shave?" Natasha asked while wandering aimlessly around the crowded mall.

"Great Depression Stamps?" Maria Hill asked while looking at random clutter. "You guys know each other better than anyone, if you can't figure out what to get him you're completely hopeless."

"But it's out first Christmas together." Natasha pouted. Hill was being zero help. Just as she was about to give up, something caught her eye and she froze in place.

"What the hell Nat I almost fell!" Hill whisper shouted after dusting herself off. She had walked right into the red headed spy.

"We have to go somewhere first. And then I think I know what to get him. Come on." Natasha rushed out as she grabbed Hill's wrist dragging her out of the mall.


"Hey, Cap. Look whose under the mistletoe." Tony asked, raising his eyebrows in a suggestive way. Steve blushed as he made his way over to his secret girlfriend. It wasn't like they were ashamed. A few people knew. They were mostly keeping it from Tony so they didn't have to listen to him.

"Hey baby." Steve whispered as he placed his right hand on her waist.

"What are you doing soldier?" She raised her eyebrow at him.

"I don't care if they know. I love you and I want everyone to know it." He leaned down and kissed her lips. What was meant to be a chaste kiss, quickly turned passionate and only stopped when they heard Tony hooting and hollering from across the room.

Natasha smiled looking up at Steve. "I got you something."

"You didn't have to get me anything, baby." Steve took her hand as she lead him to the Christmas tree.

"Hey! The present exchange isn't until after dinner!" Tony gasped as he saw Natasha hand Steve a present. "And it's supposed to be a secret Santa! Doesn't anybody care about the sanctity of secret Santa?!"

"Just open it, I got Tony for secret Santa. This is just for you because I kinda like you." Natasha whispered with her hand gently rubbing his chest.

Steve chuckled and tore the wrapping paper. As he opened the box a look of confusion took over his face. He held up the onesie looking at Natasha before picking her up and twirling her around. Steve had the widest smile on his face as he kissed her again with raw emotion.

"Okay break it up guys. Stop eating each other's faces. What did she give you that made you so happy Capsicle?" Tony asked.

Steve simply held up the gift with the smile still plastered on his face.

Steve simply held up the gift with the smile still plastered on his face

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"We're having a baby!"

"Merry Christmas Steve." Natasha pecked his lips.

"Merry Christmas Nat."

Everyone came to congratulate the couple. Tony stood back with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"No one wanted to tell me?!"

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