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The one with one more...

"Steve I can't do this mission." Natasha was unpacking the go bags as Steve was trying to pack them.

"It's one night, Nat. It's going to be fine." Steve wrapped his arms around Natasha's waist.

"I don't want to leave them." She buried her face in her husbands chest. He rubbed her back as he held her tightly. Little feet running into the room made them pull apart.

"Hi, babies." Natasha smiled at her children. "Where is your sister?"

"Wif Auntie Mia!" Sarah chirped. Natasha chuckled. She meant Maria.

"Okay! Let's go Tash." Steve threw the last couple items in the bags and picked them up. Natasha pouted as she picked up Paige and grabbed Sarah's hand with James skipping behind her.

When the family got to the living room, Maria was holding a two year old Vera on her lap giggling.

"Are you sure it's not too much for you, Hill?" Natasha looked worried.

"Romanoff; you know I run teams of up to 20 right?" Maria Hill rolled her eyes.

"You realize I have 4 children under 5 years old right?" Natasha kissed Paige's head.

"Not my fault apparently you couldn't beat Steve off you with a stic-."

"Hill!" Natasha slightly yelled, cutting off her best friend.

"Fine. I have all the emergency numbers and Pepper is on standby. We will be fine. It's one night."

Natasha closed her eyes before nodding. Steve and Natasha said good bye to their kids and left for work. They prepped for the mission to storm a Hydra base. It was 10pm when they breached. By 11:30 they had taken down all the enemies and were gathering intel and sweeping for prisoners. Natasha was sneaking through the shadows. She came across a bunch of empty cells. When she got to the last one, she was almost brought to tears by the sight in front of herS She opened the cell and approached slowly. She got down on her knees and softly spoke, "Hi sweetheart. My name is Natasha. Everyone calls me Nat. What's your name honey?"

The little girl was trying to make herself as small as possible. She was hiding in the corner holding her knees to her chest. She hesitantly looked up and her brown eyes met Natasha's green ones. Natasha smiled at the small child waiting patiently for her to respond.

"Em-ma." She whispered as her voice broke. If Natasha wasn't so close she wouldn't have heard.

"That's a really pretty name, sweetheart. How old are you?" Emma held up 3 fingers. Natasha was definitely surprised. She would have guess 2. She was definitely small for her age.

"I'm here to help you. Do you have any boo boos?" Emma nodded and showed her arm to Natasha. She had a fresh cut on it at definitely needed stitches. "Is it okay if I pick you up honey?" Emma stared the red head down for moment before slowly reaching up with both arms. Once she was in Natasha's arms she quickly relaxed and leaned her head on her shoulder. Natasha smiled softly as she walked towards where she knew Steve was. When Emma saw Steve, Tony and Sam, she wrapped both arms around Natasha's neck and held on for dear life. She started shaking as Natasha rubbed her back cooing in her ear.

"What's this, baby?" Steve asked quietly as he eyed the small child in his wife's arms.

"Umm surprise?" Natasha smiled and shrugged her shoulder.

"I'll try to find anything I can on her. Got a name?" Tony asked.

"Emma." Natasha said as she started swaying gently.

"FRIDAY get me anything you can that references an Emma."

"I need to get her to the motel. She needs some medical. Steve can you help me?" Natasha said the last part quietly. Steve nodded and followed her out to his truck before driving back. They were staying overnight as it was so late and would head back in the morning.

"Okay Emma can I put you down?" Just like when Natasha tried to put her in the vehicle, the toddler tightened her grip and shook her head. Natasha looked to Steve and he nodded knowing he would have to do it. Natasha sat with Emma on her lap, straddling her and convinced her to bring her arm down from around her neck. After many tears (from both Emma and Natasha), the stitches were finally done and the young blonde was fast asleep on Natasha's chest.

"Baby, I can take her so you can shower?"

"No I'm fine. I'm just tired. We should get some sleep." Natasha sighed as she rubbed Emma's back.

"You're not going to get much sleep like that, Tash." Steve said quietly as he laid down beside her after turning off the light.

"I'll be fine." Something told Natasha that this was the first good nights sleep Emma has had in a very long time. She would sacrifice her own sleep for her.


"So there is nothing on her? Nothing in the files?" Natasha whispered as she held a still sleeping Emma. They only time she woke up was whenever Natasha tried to put her down.

"Zip. And no missing persons matching her description." Tony stood at the end of Steve and Natasha's bed.

"So what do we do with her?" Steve asked looking at Tony before turning to his wife. Natasha bit her lip and looked at her husband.

"What's one more right?" She whispered not breaking eye contact with her husband.

"I remember asking you for another one after Vera." Steve smiled softly.

"Now I'm saying yes. Just not the way you thought." Natasha smiled.

After a few moments of staring, Steve nodded. "Okay."

"Are you two trying for a softball team? That's 5 under 5?! People will have you committed for being insane." Tony whisper yelled.

"No one is as crazy as you Tony." Natasha chuckled. She looked down at the carefree face as Emma laid her head on her chest. She couldn't imagine not bringing her home.

After all; what's one more?

This one came together super fast... anyone want to see more of this fic?

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