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The one in which they get a surprise:

Natasha was exhausted.

Between missions, training, and trying to keep up with the stamina of a super soldier she was physically spent. It wasn't all his fault. If she was being honest, she started 80% of their sexual encounters. He is just too hot and all he has to do is look at her and she wants him. Lies. He doesn't even have to look.

She was currently hiding from him, trying to get a nap in before they left for a mission in 3 hours. She went to Clint's room that he hardly uses since he "retired" and was fast asleep on his couch. She didn't think she had been there long when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open and she was face to face with the baby blue eyes she loves. The face she couldn't help but kiss. She smiled gently and closed her eyes again.

"I was having a decent dream Rogers."

"Baby, what are you doing here? I've been looking everywhere. We have to leave soon."

"I just needed to sleep, I was so tired. I'm good now, I'll meet you in fifteen at the jet." She barely got out through the yawning.

Steve sighed and shook his head, "You can sit this one out Nat, you haven't had a day off in over a month and I know you've been spending all your free time with me. Don't even argue with me, our second anniversary is this weekend and I have big plans and I would like you to be awake for it." He grinned at her rubbing her back.

"Are you sure you don't need me? I can come."

"No I want you to stay and rest, I'll be back before you know it. Tomorrow night at the latest and then this weekend we are going out."

Natasha sat up and pulled Steve to her for a gentle kiss, "Thank you." She pecked his lips again. By the third time, she deepened the kiss, putting her hand on the nape of Steve's neck and pulling him closer. She brushed her tongue on his bottom lip and he answered allowing her to explore his mouth with her tongue. Steve was still on his knees on the floor when Natasha moved to straddle his lap. Steve was the one to pull away first breathless.

"Natasha. I have to be on the quinjet in 20 minutes."

"Then I suggest you're fast, soldier." She whispered breathlessly in his ear before kissing his jaw and moving down his neck.

... he was late.

Natasha missed him as soon as he left. She regretted not going on the mission and was wondering around the compound aimlessly. She decided to make herself something to eat and was humming around the kitchen when Wanda walked in.

"What are you doing?"

"Cooking." Natasha smirked. It was rare that she cooked. She was actually really good at it but Vision, Wanda and Steve all enjoyed it so much she mostly let them do all the cooking.

"Hmmm well, I made tuna salad today. Tony wanted a sandwich and apparently someone needs to take it to him. Rock, paper, scissors?"

"Wanda, I am not taking Tony a sandwich. Not in this lifetime or any other one."

"Fine." She let out an exasperated sigh and got up to make Tony's sandwich. As soon as she uncovered the bowl of tuna salad. Natasha barely made it to the sink before she was throwing up. "Oh my god Nat! Are you okay?"

"There is something wrong with that tuna Wanda! Get rid of it!"

Wanda's furrowed her eyebrows. "Nat I ate this today, it's fine"

"Wanda I'm serious, get rid of it!"

"Okay! Geeze, what are you pregnant?" Wanda laughed as she recovered the tuna salad putting it in the fridge. She turned around to see Natasha standing there with an unfamiliar look of terror on her face. "Natasha? What happened?"

After a few moments of Natasha doing mental calculations in her head and trying to figure out the probability, she made eye contact with Wanda, "I can't be right? It's not possible."

Wanda's eyes widened as she looked at the woman she considered a sister, "Umm I was kind of kidding but I mean do you think it's possible?" She was trying and failing to contain her excitement.

Wanda and Natasha ended up thinking they should air on the side of caution. After going out to a pharmacy, and picking up multiple tests, they went back to Steve and Natasha's apartment in the tower. Despite the whining and protests, Natasha did not allow Wanda in the bathroom with her. She was pacing around Natasha's bedroom waiting for her to come out growing more impatient by the minute.

"Natasha! Come out right now! I know for a fact the tests don't take that long!"

"Well... do you think Steve is going to freak out?" Natasha asked holding up five positive pregnancy tests. Wanda squealed and hugged Nat after she jumped up and down. The two started planning how Natasha was going to tell Steve and booking an appointment with an OB/GYN.

At their anniversary dinner...

"You look beautiful, Baby." Steve smiled at Natasha across the table. He took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her wrist.

"You don't look so bad yourself Rogers." She smirked at him.

"So, Nat, there is something I have been wanting to ask you. I have never felt so strongly about something in my life."

"Okay, I'm intrigued. Go on?" She asked while sending him her signature smirk.

"Natasha, when I first saw you I thought you were the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. When we became partners I knew you were the strongest. When we became lovers I knew you were the most caring. Nat I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. Will you-"

"Wait." She interrupted, "I have to give you something first."

Steve chuckled nervously as he grabbed the small bag from Natasha. He glanced at her before opening it and she gave him a small smile and a nod. When Steve pulled out the coffee cup he was instantly confused. Then his eyes shot up to meet Natasha's and his jaw dropped.

"World's Best Dad? Nat? Are you? Are we-?"

"We are having a baby." Natasha smiled nervously back at him, with tears forming in her eyes. Steve instantly jumped up and hugged her. He was so excited he almost forgot what he was doing. Almost.

"Marry me."

"Is that a question?" Natasha smirked.

"No. Marry me." Steve kissed her slowly as he slipped the ring on her finger without breaking the kiss.

"Yes." She sighed as she leaned her forehead against his.

"I can't believe it. You're the best thing that ever happened to me Tasha. We're getting married and having a baby. I love you!"

"I love you too, soldier. I'm sorry for stepping on your moment earlier."

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