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The one in which Mama needs a break...


Natasha sighed. She had just pulled her headphones out. She was almost finished cleaning the house while her children napped. If one was awake they all were, so good luck finishing now. She jogged up the stairs and into the nursery. She smiled when she saw little grabby hands reaching for her.

"Hi, baby. Did you have a good nap?"

The only response she got was Vera placing her head on her shoulder and nodding. Natasha carried her to the master bedroom where she had put James and Sarah down to find it empty. Scowling to herself she went off in search of her children. Hearing whispering coming from the bathroom, she opened the door slowly to find her children looking at her as if they had halos above their heads. Devil horns is more like it with what looked like an atomic bomb they set off in their bathroom.

"What on earth are you two doing?"

"Making potions Mama!" Sarah replied enthusiastically. She didn't understand that Natasha's face was not conveying the same enthusiasm. At 3 years old she was still too young to understand that her mother wasn't happy from just a look. James being 5; he was scared.

"We're sorry Mama! We'll clean it up!" James jumped down from the counter to try and wipe up that mess.

"ради ебли. James it's okay. But from now on, only do potions outside. Got it? Okay, let's go put on a movie I need to feed Vera." Natasha grabbed Sarah's hand and helped her off the stool. She looked over her shoulder at the bathroom and decided it could wait until Steve got home. Slowly they made their way down the stairs and then Sarah took off after her big brother. Natasha sighed as she sat on the couch finding something on Disney+ for the kids. As the starting music of the Lion King began, she heard little feet running and launching themselves on either side of her. She gave them each a blanket hoping this would keep them busy until their father came home.

Steve was on a mission that was supposed to last 2 days. This was day 4 and she was exhausted. Vera had recently decided to boycott bottles. This made any hopes of Natasha returning to work soon vanish. She was the sweetest little girl, but also incredibly fussy and only wanted Natasha. Natasha patted her diapered bum while she nursed her sitting between her other children. This was the quietest they had been since Steve left.  Natasha ordered pizza on her phone because why not. She wasn't in the mood to cook. All she wanted was to take a bath in peace and sleep. She cursed Steve for the kids being so close in age. Five, three and 8 months was ridiculous in her opinion. She had no idea how much work it would be and she's glad she loves her kids so much or she wouldn't be able to handle it. She didn't even realize she had closed her eyes with her head against the couch until she heard keys in the door. She looked down to see James and Sarah asleep again and Vera looking at her with her big blue eyes; the only thing she inherited from her father. Natasha wiped the milk from her chin, righted herself and kissed Vera's cheek. She set James' head under a pillow instead of her lap and went looking for Steve.

When Vera saw her daddy she squealed with joy. "Hi princess. Hi baby. I missed you guys! Where's James and Sarah?" Steve leaned down and kissed his wife. As he started to pull away, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a longer kiss.

"They're sleeping on the couch. I'm so glad you're home. Your children left you a present in the bathroom." Natasha smiled sweetly at him as he sighed.

"Why do I get the feeling its not a nice present?"

Natasha simply shrugged her shoulders and went to answer the door. She placed the pizza on the dining room table and went into the living room where Steve was talking to Vera quietly trying not to wake her older siblings. As soon as she saw her Mama, she reached for her with a pout. Natasha pouted back and poked her side gently trying to get her to laugh while staying in her father's arms to no avail. When tears threatened, Natasha picked her up and sighed. Kissing her daughter's temple, she spoke to Steve again, "Want to wake them? The pizza is here."

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