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The one with the homecoming...

It was late. Natasha was exhausted. All she wanted to do was have a shower and sleep for the next 24 hours, but a mother's job is never done. She parked in the garage and made her way into the house being greeted by her cat when she made it to the kitchen. "привет Салем, моя полуночная лиана(hello Salem, my midnight creeper)".

She looked in James' room finding his bed empty and she knew he was with Steve. She went to the girls room next kissing Sarah and Paige on their foreheads before heading to the nursery. She saw her youngest with tear stained cheeks and a pout on her face even in her sleep. She couldn't wait until morning to wake her baby. She picked her up out of the crib and headed for the rocking chair noticing a full bottle sitting on the side table. Sighing, she looked at her baby while stroking her cheek to gently wake her. As soon as Emma's eyes fluttered open and locked with her mother's smiling face, she pouted and reached her hand for her trying to get even closer.

"Я здесь, детка, мама здесь(I'm here baby, mama's here)" Natasha nursed Emma as she sang softly in Russian and patted her back gently. Eventually, Emma's eyes closed and she fell asleep again. Natasha rocked in the chair for a few more minutes just holding Emma and kissing her head. After putting Emma back in her crib, Natasha went straight for the shower only stopping to smile at her boys for a moment. Feeling refreshed and even more tired if possible, Natasha crawled into bed on the other side of James and pulled him to her. He instantly curled in to her more and pushed his face into her neck. Steve rolled over, leaning over James and pecked Natasha's lips twice.

"Hi baby. What took you so long to come to bed?"

"The girls. Were you awake the whole time?" Natasha whispered trying not to wake James who had a death grip on his mother.

"I heard you pull in the driveway and then the garage door. I wanted to wait for you to come to bed but you took forever and I missed you." Steve pouted slightly in his sleepy state.

"You're just like the kids." Natasha smirked at her husband, "It's okay thought because I love you. But right now I'm exhausted and Emma will be up in a few hours so I'm sorry babe but shut up."

"I love you too." Steve chuckled before placing his hand on Natasha's hip with James securely between them.


Natasha woke up to Steve rubbing her shoulder slightly. She was laying in her back with James still snuggled into her side.

"Sorry, baby. I heard her stir and I figured she would sleep longer in here. I've got to get up with the girls soon." Steve gave an apologetic smile as he placed Emma on Natasha's chest.

Natasha smiled and hummed at Steve. She started rubbing Emma's back, closing her eyes and prayed she would get more sleep.

Natasha woke up what felt like only moments later with Emma still asleep on her chest. She must have been exhausted from the last couple days. Natasha quickly pushed those thoughts away, she couldn't cry in front of her kids. She noticed James was no longer beside her. Natasha got up still holding Emma against her chest. She could hear commotion in the kitchen as she made her way down the stairs. A smile spread across her face as she watched Steve and their kids making breakfast and dancing around the kitchen. Natasha leaned against the wall as she had yet to be noticed and just watched her family. Emma woke up but just buried her face in her mother's neck, not ready to be awake yet. Steve was the first to notice and sent his wife a wink before turning back to the pancakes. Paige was the next to notice and silently ran to her mother and wrapped her arms around Natasha's neck as she knelt.

"I miss you, baby." Natasha whispered in her ear as she kissed her head.

"Miss mama." Paige whispered with her fingers in her mouth. Steve quickly walked to his wife and took Emma who wasn't very happy about being taken from her mother so her sister could get a proper hug. Their reunion was short lived when James and Sarah finally noticed Natasha in the kitchen and went barreling to her almost knocking her over.

"Mama!" Sarah cried as she held onto her mother for dear life. She was the most like the spy and played her emotions cool most of the time but she was still four years old and loved her mother.

After the family had breakfast, Steve and Natasha dropped James and Sarah off at school before taking Paige to daycare. The ride back to the house was quiet with only Emma's babbles to be heard in the backseat.

"I'm going to take the rest of my maternity leave."

"You are?" Steve reached for Natasha's hand to hold in his lap while he drove. He was a little shocked but her confession as she never took more than 6 months before at least returning to training.

"I can't be away from the kids." Natasha closed her eyes and leaned her head against the headrest. "I love you and I trust you to keep them safe, but they are still so little and they need me."

"I couldn't agree more, baby." Steve kissed the back of Natasha's hand, "We can talk to Fury after your maternity leave is up."

"Yeah... I have to go in today to tell him and to do the debrief. He will be fuming. Do you want to come? If I'm holding Emma he is less likely to yell." Natasha asked with a grin playing on her lips.

"Using our children to get out of trouble? Wow Nat, I can't believe it." Natasha raised an eyebrow, "Okay I can believe it." Steve laughed, followed by giggles from Emma.

"Come on, let's get this over with before Sarah gets in a fight at school with a kids twice her size or James has a meltdown."

"How did we get blessed with Paige?" Steve chuckled.

"Well, I wouldn't get too ahead of ourselves." Natasha laughed, "Wait until she starts dating."

"None of our daughters are ever dating." Steve furrowed his brows and shook his head.

"Okay, baby. We'll see." Natasha rubbed Steve's thigh while trying to hold in her laugh.

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