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Part 2

James was pacing the halls. It was 7am on Friday morning. Amelia was coming for dinner, but he hadn't told one person yet. His mother.

James stopped breathing when the bedroom door opened, but instantly let out a shaky breath when he saw his father.

"You haven't told her yet have you?" Steve whispered while he eyed his son. James' silence was answer enough. Steve shook his head and chuckled. "She's in a good mood this morning. Good luck, son." Steve placed a hand on his son's shoulder as he headed for the stairs. James took a deep breath as he knocked on the door. He faintly heard his mother call him in.

James walked in cautiously, seeing his mother come out of the closet dressed for the day.

"Hi, baby." She walked over to James and kissed his cheek before sitting at her vanity to put her makeup on.

"Hi, Mama." James stood there watching her.

"What is it, Jamie?" Natasha looked at him through the mirror, pausing what she is doing.

"Can I have someone over for dinner tonight? With all of us?" James asked quietly.

"Sure." Natasha started applying her mascara. She didn't know why James was being weird. She finished and turned to her oldest son again. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Her name is Amelia. I really like her."

Natasha slowly stood and walked over to her son. It annoyed her to no end that he was already taller than her.

"What's her last name?"

"No, Mama. Please just meet her before you launch an investigation, or order an assassination on my girlfriend?" James pleaded. Natasha looked in his eyes, sighing before nodding her head. James smiled before kissing his mother's cheek and thanking her as he ran out of the room.


"Did you know about this?"

"What?" Steve looked up from the book he was reading at the kitchen table.

"James having a girlfriend and keeping it from me." Natasha turned around to look directly into Steve's eyes. He sighed knowing this wouldn't end well.

"He told me this week. He asked how he should tell you." Steve set his book down and walked to Natasha who turned around to continue cooking. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "He was just nervous, love. This is his first girlfriend, but you're the first woman he ever loved. He wants your approval." Steve kissed her cheek.

"Fine. I will be civil. But if she hurts my son..."

"You will be there to pick up the pieces." Steve pecked his wife's lips before grabbing his keys to go pick up the kids.

"I expect more of what I got this morning for good behaviour!" Natasha yelled to Steve who turned around at the door to wink before closing it behind him.


Natasha was muttering under her breath as she walked into the kitchen. She had everything ready, and Steve should be home soon from shuttling kids to their after school activities. The youngest two were in the living room watching tv when she heard the front door open.

"Daddy! Look at the picture I drew!" Vera ran to her father with a huge smile. She stopped when she saw a stranger behind him, "Who are you?"

"My name is Amelia. What's yours pretty girl?" Amelia smiled at Vera softly.

"Vera." She smiled shyly before turning and running to her mother wanting to be picked up.  All of their children were as tall or taller than Natasha. Even at 11 Alexander was the same height as her. Vera was small for her age. She seemed to be the only Rogers child that was taking after her mother. She also looked like Steve wasn't even involved in the making of her. Natasha simply copy and pasted.

"Hi Mrs. Rogers, thank you for having me. You have a lovely home." Amelia reached her hand out to Natasha with a smile. Natasha tilted her head slightly. She seemed genuine and that was confusing to Natasha. She smiled back none the less and shook her hand with her other arm still holding Vera.

"No problem at all. It's nice to meet you." Natasha watched James take Amelia's coat and hang it up. She was proud his father's values had stuck.

Natasha set Vera down to wash her hands for dinner and headed back to the kitchen to finish plating everything. "Can I help with anything?"

Natasha turned to see Amelia standing at the kitchen island playing with her fingers.

"I think I'm pretty much ready. Just have to carry everything out." She calmly stared at the teenager. Amelia was trying not to look as intimidated as she was by her boyfriend's mother. "Tell me about yourself."

It wasn't a question.

Amelia's eyes went wide but she recovered quickly. "Umm I don't know what you want to know. I'm nothing special."

"Don't sell yourself short, sweetheart."

"Umm well I like to read. I like art and music. My favourite subject is history. I ride horses and play a lot of sports. I have 2 younger sisters and am very protective of them. I want to be a teacher when I'm older. I love kids. And I really like your son." Amelia blushed crimson and she smiled. Natasha returned the smile.

"You sound busy. And you still make time for James?"

"He is important to me."

Natasha smiled. She wanted to hate this girl. Everything in her told her that no one was good enough for her children. She also thought that this was too young and they would never last. But who would have thought the Russian assassin and America's golden boy would fall in love.

"My children mean everything to me. Don't hurt him."

Amelia nodded, "I think it would hurt me more to see him hurting."

The pair grabbed all the food and carried it to the dining room. The whole Rogers' clan started filing in. Natasha grabbed James' arm and lead him to the kitchen. Handing him the salad bowl she gave him a warning.

"Do not hurt that girl. You treat her how you want your sister's future boyfriend's to treat them. Yes?"

"Yes, Mama"

"Good. Let's eat." Natasha walked away acting like nothing. James slowly smiled. Did his mother just approve of his girlfriend?

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