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The one where you meet the parents...

James had always been a Mama's boy. That never changed as he aged. He was now 15 and had a big secret. His anxiety was at an all time high. He has never lied to her before and it's been eating him alive since school started in September. Amelia was his first girlfriend. She was top of her class, cheerleader, captain of every sports team, debate club, and she planned the fundraiser for under privileged kids every year. He couldn't help but think; what she was doing with him?

James didn't realize he was staring at nothing until his sister came and sat in front of him waving her hands.

"Earth to Jamie?" Sarah smiled when he fumbled with his lunch trying to play off his nerves, "It will be okay."

"How do you know? I really like her Sarbear. Like really like her, and I think Dad will love her but I'm worried Mama will scare her off." James quickly started stuffing his veggies into his mouth. He was a nervous eater like his mother was when she was young; until the red room beat that out of her.

"Mama may be crazy and scary but she is also the most loving and caring person I have ever met. I go to her for everything and I know you do too. Once she realizes how serious you are about Mia she will accept her, it just might take some time. And you should really give her a heads up. And definitely warn Mia." Sarah shrugged her shoulders as she drank her water.

James eyes her suspiciously, "I'm older. How are you so calm and wise."

"Only 11 months idiot. And girls mature faster than boys. Mama says that was Daddy acts like a child even though he is older. Just like Uncle Clint, Tony and Thor." She shrugged her shoulders again as she stole one of her brothers carrots.

"Hey baby." James jumped slightly as a hand touched his shoulder. Turning around he saw the girl who instantly calmed his nerves while simultaneously making his heart beat out of his chest.

"Hey doll." James smiled at her as he moved over on the bench so she could sit beside him. The wind blew slightly making him smell her shampoo and he sighed contently. The sun hit her honey coloured hair and his heart almost stopped beating. They always ate outside no matter that it was now fall and they had to bundle up a bit but this was the exact reason why James always insisted.

"James and I were just talking about how you should come for dinner Friday night."

James snapped his head to look at his sister. If looks could kill, she would be dead.

"I would love to. But you'll have to give me the run down again so I don't mess up anyone's names. And what not to say in front of your parents." Amelia smiled at James as she grabbed his hand.

"U-umm..." James stuttered.

"Well you know me. The fabulous oldest sister. Then there is the twins; Paige and Emma. They are turning 13 soon. Then it's Alexander he's 11. Last is Vera, she is 6 and was an accident but don't tell her. She is really emotional and we aren't allowed to pick on her because she is the baby. Mama is Natasha and Daddy is Steve. Daddy is the sweetest man you'll ever meet, he is also like 6'2 and jacked. Mama...She can be intimidating but she is a total sweetheart once you get to know her. It's just buried really deep. She is Russian, so." Sarah shrugged her shoulders.

Amelia sat there stunned. James had told her he came from a big family but laid out like that it was a little overwhelming. She recovered fast and nodded her head and turned to James who looked like he was going to throw up.

"It'll be okay. It sounds like I just need to win them over." She kissed James' cheek and started to eat her lunch still holding his hand.

After school

James walked Amelia to her bus and kissed her goodbye. He waved as he ran to catch up with Sarah before heading to the pick up spot.

"Are you going to tell Daddy? He might be able to help with Mama." Sarah asked her brother as the neared the truck.

"I don't know. Do you think?"

"I think it's your best option. He knows how to calm Mama down, your only other option is to throw Vera at her." Sarah laughed as James scowled at her and they both got in the front seat of the truck.

"Hi Daddy."

"Hi princess. Hey buddy, how was school?"

"It was school Dad." James sighed as he put on his seatbelt and they pulled away.

"You okay Jamie?"

"Yeah. Can I talk to you about something later though? In private. And you can't talk to Mama about it."

"Yeah, sure Pal. Is everything okay?" Steve looked at James worriedly before turning back to the road.

"Yeah, everything is fine." James looked out the window as they pulled up to the middle school to pick up the twins and Alex.

"Hey kids." Steve smiled as they piled in the backseat with choruses of hellos and started talking about their days.

When they all walked in the door, Vera sprinted to her fathers arms, "Daddy!"

"Hey, pumpkin. Did Mama pick you up today?"

"Yup! Where was you Daddy?"

"Where were you." Natasha gently corrected. Kissing her daughter's head as she tried to hug all her children before they ran off.

"I was working, then picked up your siblings."

"When can I go to big girl school?" Vera sighed dramatically.

"Couple more years, baby." Natasha called over her shoulder as she headed back to the kitchen. James watched her go and walked over to his dad waiting for him to notice him. Steve turned around and looked at his son with a look of confusion.

"Oh! Right now? Okay." Steve lead James to his shared office with Natasha and pulled a chair over to the leather couch. "What's going on, son?"


"Okay. So let's see if I got it all?" James nods. "You met a girl; she is perfect and you really like her. You want her to meet everyone so what's the problem? This sounds like great news buddy." Steve smiles at his son, proud of the young man he is becoming.

"Mama." James sighed as he sat back on the couch throwing his head back.

"She is very protective, but James you also know that no one loves you more. She will accept her once she knows she is trustworthy of your heart."

"Mama always said no one will every be trustworthy of our hearts. I don't want her to scare Amelia away, I really like her." James groaned while rubbing his face.

"If you think they are good enough son, I trust your judgment. By you need to treat women the way I taught you. Be a gentleman and treat them how you want your mother and sisters to be treated. You understand?"

"Yes, Dad. I promise." James shook his father's hand as he stood.

"And we are too young to be grandparents." Steve smirked as his son's face reddened.


"Dinners ready!" Natasha yelled from the end of the hall as Steve dodged his son laughing on the way out.

So I'm going to do a part 2 for this one, I just really wanted to get the first half out ✌🏻


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