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Part two of the switch...

Natasha woke up cuddling who she thought was Steve. She was sorrily mistaken when she received a lick across the full length on her face.

"Что за черт?(What the hell?)" Natasha mumbled as she jumped up looking at a dog wagging her tail. Natasha started looking around, further adding to her confusion. Where was she?

Seeing a dresser in the room she went over to it quickly to grab some clothes to change into. There was a picture of her and Yelena in a frame.

"Yelena? Yelena!" She choked on air hearing herself talk. Why did she sound like her sister? She quickly dressed before looking for a mirror. She stood there staring for an unknown amount of time. She slowly reached up and touched her face.

"What did she do!" Natasha ran back into the bedroom and found Yelena's cell phone. She used the facial recognition to open it. "Idiot." She mumbled to herself.

"Hi Natalia. Anything interesting happen to you lately?"

"What did you do Yelena!? Why did a wake up like this?" Natasha was starting to panic.

"I don't know. You're the older one! What is going on? I didn't do anything!"

Natasha pinched the bridge of her nose. "Okay. I'm coming back and we will talk to Bruce and Tony and see what they can figure out and if they can get us switched back."

"Bring Fanny."

"What the hell is a Fanny?" Natasha furrowed her eyebrows. The dog that was sleeping ran into the room barking.

"That's Fanny. Hello my girl!"

"Jesus. Where is Steve?"

"Hi. I'm right here." Steve's voice came through the phone.

"Hi baby. This is so weird. I'm coming back so we can get this sorted out. Please take care of my babies and don't leave them alone with my sister."

"I promise." Steve chuckled.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she only realized she was shaking when she felt something lick her hand. Looking down she rolled her eyes at the dog. Looking into her brown eyes she signed as she pet it's head.

"мои дети сделали меня мягким (my children have made me soft). I guess you're kind of cute." Natasha packed up enough for the trip.

"Let's go Fanny."


"Stark you better have some answers for me."

"Ummm Natalie?" Tony looked between Yelena and Natasha, obviously confused. Even though he had been told what happened and was close to a solution; it was odd to see the two of them and know they weren't themselves. He shook his head as he recognized the glare Yelen-Natasha was giving him.

"I'm close but it will probably be tomorrow."

"где моя собака? (where is my dog?)"

"In the car. I left the air on. Where are my children?" I glare at my sister. It'd freaking weird to look at yourself. Is this how identical twins feel?

"With someone named Pepper? Your husband got paged to the training room. I think he is freaking out. Also, you know they don't know you're their mother right? How are you going to explain that to your gremlins?" My lovely sister had the nerve to say.

"Watch yourself."

"Just remember, if you kick my ass; you're the one who will feel it tomorrow."

"I hate you."

"I love you."

I rolled my eyes and dragged her out of the lab after threatening Tony to hurry up. I go out to the car and we get in. She tried to greet Fanny but she just kind of looks confused. Maybe she knows what's up. I drag her into my house and up the stairs to the master bedroom. I look out the window and see Pepper and Peter playing in the backward with the kids. Perfect.

"Sit." She glares at me but does what I say.

"Take off your shirt."

"Какого черта Наталья? Я не раздеваюсь, чудак. (What the hell Natalia? I'm not stripping you weirdo.)"

"You're leaking." I point to the wet spots over her breasts. "I'm assuming you didn't breast feed my baby this morning?"

"God no! Are you crazy?!" I rolled my eyes as I got out the pump.

"Well you have to pump then. Come here." She reluctantly takes her shirt and bra off and I hook her up to the pump and turn it on.

"что за хрень! (What the fuck!)" Her face is priceless. It's a super weird feeling, especially the first time.

"Weird right?"

"You do this all the time?!"

"No. Normally I breastfeed." I gave her a look and she shut up. "We should sleep. I want it to be tomorrow already."

"What? You don't like my body? It's a nice body."

"Mine's better."

"You don't look like someone who has had three kids. I'll give you that."

"If all goes well, everything will be back to normal in the morning." I sighed as I leaned against my headboard.



"I missed you." Yelena whispered.

I smiled with my eyes still closed. "I missed you too. We need to make more of an effort to see each other." I open my eyes to see her looking at me.

"Okay. I will." She leaned forward and closed her eyes. I chuckled and mirrored her with my forehead pressed to hers.

This is overall a shitty situation, but if it bring Yelena and I back together I guess it's worth it. I sit back up and turn my head to the door when I hear my kids screaming downstairs. I roll my eyes and take a breath. They won't even know me. This is just great.

"Tony better make this happen."

Yelena laughs as I glare at her. Get a sister they said.

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